Chapter 1: Nightmare, Where's Dream!?

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Dream seemed to have disappeared. So far, only Ink and Blue know, Blue only knows because Ink told him, and he's surprised at Ink, how did he even remember it?

"We need to go to Nightmare!" Blue exclaimed.

"What!? Why!?" Ink asked. More like screamed.

"Nightmare is Dream's brother. That means that he either knows where he is, did something to him or both!" Blue screamed back. "It's more like he knows or both" Blue almost silently added, it went unheard.

"Your right." Ink said, and he went to Nightmare's castle to "talk".


Nightmare was on his throne, fiddling with the circlet he used to wear, when an ink puddle appeared in the middle of the room. He hid the circlet, at least as best as he could in 3 seconds. Welp, looks like they suspect me of Dream's disappearance. I mean they aren't wrong, heh heh. Nightmare said in his mind.

"Hello Squid, why are you here?" Nightmare asked. He had a smile and sounded cheerful for 'Hello Squid,' and he had a frown and spoke bluntly for 'why are you here?'.

"You know why, you must know what happened to your dear brother, don't you?" Ink asked Nightmare.

Nightmare then laughed.

"Of course I do, but I won't tell. Let's just say I made him disappear for a while, he'll be back in a year. I needed him to be gone for a while, Dream will have to keep a secret so get back."

"What secret?"

"Can't tell, if anyone finds out he will stay like that for another year, but in a different form, at the moment he looks like himself. And the if anyone finds out bit doesn't apply to me as I already know."

"Nightmare, tell me everything."

"How about no?"

"That wasn't a question. Tell. Me. Everything!"

"I. Won't. Say. No. Matter. How. Much. You. Ask!"

"Fine, don't say. We'll find him ourselves."

Nightmare laughed. "If you find him, I'll make him disappear again, and for another year. You would have to start the search again." Ink had no words and he was somehow able to tolerate Nightmare, he continued. "What I meant by 'different form' is that he would be hidden in plain sight. He could be in the middle of a room and you still wouldn't be able to find him."

"Why would you do such a thing!?" Ink half-said half-screamed.

"I said this already, I need him gone for a while. Dream had to go, he will be back, that is if you don't go looks for him, and in a year or more, depending on how many times you look for him or find him."

"So, we either wait for a year or look for him and wait even longer?" Ink asked for Nightmare to give a nod. "I think I'll take the first, I'll be patient. Somehow."

Ink left, and Nightmare continued fiddling with the circlet.

Meantime Dream POV

I woke up and the first thing I notice was that I was small and in Error's lap. I looked at myself to see that I look like the puppet Error was knitting, it looked like Ink? Why is he making a puppet of Ink?

I also noticed white, it was blinding. I look up to see blue strings in a web-like pattern and souls.

I think Error felt my movement as he looked down, right at me. I go into a position that was similar to the one I was in before.

He continued knitting.

I would have given a sigh of relief, but it's impossible when you're a doll. And anyway, that wouldn't be a good idea, Error might hear it.

I tried to find something to stare at because I was starting to get bored. There wasn't much to look at, seeing as Error was blocking most of my vision. So I was just watching him knit, from his lap.

With Ink (3rd person)

Ink was telling Blue the information he found from Nightmare. Blue was a little surprised as he didn't think Nightmare would go as far as to "get rid of" a member of the Star Sanses. His own brother, none the less. Why?

700 words exactly UwU

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