Chapter 2: What The...? + Important Announcement

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Error finished knitting the Ink puppet. He commanded his strings to put a box down, it was full of art supplies, mostly yarn but there were some paints, pencils and markers there too.

"I sTiLl WoNdEr HoW yOu GoT hErE," Error said while getting up. He put the Ink puppet in the box, that's when Dream noticed his voice, it was less glitchy than when he hears it. "I dOn'T kNOw AnYoNe ElSe ThAt CaN kNiT, eXcEpT bLuE aS hE tAuGhT mE, aNd HaS aCcEsS hErE... wHy Am I tAlKiNg To MySeLf AnYwAy!?"

Dream really wanted to say something but he remembered what Nightmare said, and understood, this is what he was talking about.

And he didn't have a mouth to speak with anyway, which is why he got paper and a pencil, he couldn't talk.

No one cares why are you talking to yourself

"TeLl Me SoMeThInG i DoN't KnOw FoR a ChAnGe, WiLl YoU?" Error said, making Dream feel bad for him. Dream was now full of regret and guilt. He wondered if Nightmare cares, does he?

Why yes he does care, Nightmare could feel Dream's regret and guilt, he felt slight guilt himself for making him like that, but not much, just a smidge, apart from that he couldn't care less about how negative Dream felt.

After all there's a reason he's doing this.

Dream made the fights more difficult by spreading positivity to his friends and sometimes even some of Nightmares crew, weakening Nightmare.

So Nightmare got rid of him, but there's another reason.

Error felt a pain in his soul.

Get up you worthless mistake

You have a job to do

Get you butt up and do your job

"It WoUlD bE nIcE iF hE sToPpEd FoR a WhIlE, eVeN iF jUsT fOr A DaY." Error muttered as he sat Dream on his beanbag again, he sighed and left to destroy the copy Ink made.

It was Flowerfell.

"WhY dO yOu MaKe SuCh SaD aUs InKy?" Error asked Ink, who wasn't there.

Error went to the new copy and Ink stood there, waiting.

"LeT's GeT tHiS oVeR wItH." Error muttered.

And so they fought.

{I can't write fight scenes -w-"}


Dream was trying to figure out how will he keep this secret, as he understood what his brother meant now.

He got off of the beanbag and tried to walk wobbling around but being able to take a few steps. The voices noticed instantly.

What the heck!?



Ok, I get it, y'all are scared of the small puppet

Dream covered his even-less-than-non-existent ears. The voices quietened. He then looked around for something, anything, to communicate with while the voices were whispering within themselves.

Dream was too deep in thought to listen to the voices, he wouldn't be able to hear them anyway as they were too quiet, only whispering to each other.

He doesn't even know how he can hear them in the first place. Maybe it has to do with his current state, or his current location, or both, he can't tell.

Dream looked around for something to write with, or communicate in any way.

He found a sheet of paper and a pencil.

'Why would Error have this??' He wondered. But he reminded himself of what was he doing, getting something to communicate with.

He started writing, at first it was illegible but he got the hang of it, writing with something about the size of you is difficult.

"Why are you scared of me? It's not like I can do anything harmful."

A voice read out.

Good question, why are you lot scared of the puppet?

I... Don't really know...?

How surprising (pure sarcasm)

What are we going to do about the puppet now though? Will be try to talk to it?

That's probably the best idea we have so far

Dream just continued writing, listening to the voices to stay on topic.

"Can you stop calling me an 'it'?"

The voice read again.

Sure, but what should we call you then?

Yeah, puppets don't have genders, and they're not people either.

"Call me a he, and that's awfully rude, I was a person but I've been turned into a puppet for some reason..."

Well, that sucks...

Can you tell us who you were before?

"I'd rather not risk it..."

What are you risking?

But before he could write more than 'If anyone', he had a feeling Error was coming back, so he hid, hiding the paper and pencil under the beanbag before trying to climb back onto the beanbag, failing miserably...

He gave up and it seemed like he fell off the beanbag, nothing weird about that. Things fall off shelves randomly all the time.

At least, everywhere but the Antivoid...

Error was suspicious of the Dream puppet falling off the beanbag since there was nothing there to push it (like wind, or people) and it was sitting stabily, but he didn't voice any concerns he had.

He picked it up, and just put it back on the beanbag, if this was a one-time thing, that's fine, if not, something weird is going on...

He sighed, sat down, and did anything to entertain himself.

Announcement time

I'm very sorry to all of you reading this but all of my books will be discontinued and put up for adoption, I don't mind at all if anyone rewrites any of my works, as long as I get credit for either the idea or inspiration

I will be posting this on all books

Also, I already wrote part of this chapter and won't be finishing, but you can kinda tell where I was going with it

Again, I'm very sorry, things happened and I'm just lacking motivation to finish anything

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2022 ⏰

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