You want a ticket to hell? Intro

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I was in this because of skittles and I still am.  My name is Hue and I am a 12th grader in School for Unregistered Youths, Florida chapter. I decided to write about my theory of the huge hurricane in Los Angles because the publisher offered me %38 and a 10 year ticket to unlimited skittles. Sure, the %38 were nice, but the skittles hooked me in. Now to the story.

 I am completely fallen for Sally. To describe Sally, she was rock hard and half Korean and half American. She kinda looked like Matilda from the movie Lèon. She had jet black hair with suger brown at the bottom, cut short to her chin and cherry red lips. Her huge eyes were black, but if you stared into them, you could see a rainbow sort of glint in it but her clothes were stranger.. 

She never wore any sort of normal clothes, and always had the same black choker and sliver My little pony necklace along with pink crop tops and a highlighter mint jacket way too big for her finished with neon orange jeans. Got that pic in your head? Now imagine Native American Earrings with that. Classy, right? 

Sally was really pretty and completely crazy. She loved to be out of order and her personality was super nice. She never was ordinary and never wanted to be. To sum up, she was a Matilda with a Mad Hatter's mindset in a My little Pony syndrome.

For instance, once the principal told us that we were doing a disco and Sally jumped up and yelled yay. Like everyone stared at her and she sat back down to laugh with the others as if someone else had done that. 

Sally was our school mascot. She got asked out at least five times a day and she told all of them she was a virgin and walked away.  She picked a fight with Ryner, a big tough guy twice as tall as her, and judo flipped him six times straight. Yup. She was black belt in tai kwon do and a purple belt in USJF (United States Judo Federation) plus a A in fencing. And she had the highest IQ of 198 and top mark everyday. All lessons were boring for her, so she studied University Postgraduate studies. Now, she's getting your interest right?

Sally is also the great x300 granddaughter of Troy. Ok, maybe talked too much about her? WEll, then start reading my first chapter and you'll see.

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