There for you

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I don’t own The Mortal Instruments characters but the plot is mine.


Carter and I walked into the club hand in hand. Simon and Izzy where already on dance floor, Jace and Alec seemed to have run off, Vic was over at the bar with Blake. I went to the bar with Carter and got a drink. Carter pointed out three demons that were lingering in the corner of the club. I sat my drink down on the table and walked over to them. I started to dance around them. They surrounded me in a minute. I lead them all out of the crowd to a storage closet. The last one to come in shut the door behind him. One pushed me up against the wall and started to run his hands up and down my sides. I pushed him away and took out a knife I had hidden. I threw the knife and hit one of them. The one let out a shriek and fell to the floor. I jumped on another one; it let out a shriek and fell down beside the other one. I turned to attack the last when it hit me in the chest. I went flying into the wall. I fell to my knees and tried to stand up but the demon kicked me back down.

“You really shouldn’t have done that Valentine’s daughter.” It hissed at me.

“H-How do you know my name?” I said breathing heavy.

“To bad I can’t kill you know. He wouldn’t be very pleased about that.” He hissed.

“Who’s he?” I asked trying to stand back up. The demon kicked me down again. I hit my head on the concrete floor. I felt blood roll down my forehead from a cut. Everything looked hazy. I didn’t know what was going on but I hear the demon that had been standing above me shriek and fall next to me. I looked up to see Jace. He rushed over to help me up. I leaned on him for support.

“W-why did you save me?” I asked.

He gave a little chuckle and wrapped his arms around me. “Why do you think?” He answered. I closed my eyes I had missed the smell of him and the touch of him. He cheated on me but why would he save me and act as if he’s happy I’m not badly hurt.  What am I thinking he doesn’t love me anymore.

“What kind of demon’s where those,” I asked.

“It was three Drevak demons. They are usually spies or messengers for greater demon’s or warlocks. I don’t know why so many are here.” He said. I felt dizzy and weak. Jace helped me out of the storage room. We got to the bar to find Carter and Vic talking. Carter saw Jace and me coming over. He ran over to me pushing past people that were in the way. He grabbed me and pulled me to him. I let go of Jace and leaned into Carter.

“What happened?” Carter asked.

“Demon kicked me off balance, couldn’t get up, Jace saved me.” I said. I could feel myself drifting off.

“Let’s get you back to the Institute.” Carter helped me out the Club with Jace right behind us. Carter and Jace argued on the way there about what happened.

“You saw her go off to take on all those demons and you didn’t go and help her.” Jace said when we got into the taxi. I sat in the middle while Jace and Carter sat on either side of me.

“She’s dealt with worse. You have some nerve saving her after what you did to her.” Carter snapped.

“Shut up both of you.” I said closing my eyes and leaning my head back. The blood on my face was getting crusty but the blood has stopped. Jace and Carter didn’t say a word to each other. Now and then one would ask if I was okay while the other one glared and growled. I started to drift back off when it got quiet. I let the darkness of sleep consume me.


After I found Clary in the storage, room on the floor bleeding I was scared I had lost her again. She wasn’t badly injured I found out but she was still hurt and I didn’t want her hurt. I watched Clary sleep in an infirmary bed. We had brought her up here when we got back to the Institute. Clary had passed out half way on the ride back to the Institute. Carter had carried her up to the infirmary when we got back to the Institute. We had put an Iratze on Clary after we had laid her in the infirmary bed. We both stayed with her watching her sleep after that. Carter left early in the morning because Alex would be getting up soon.

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