You're a monster

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I don't own the mortal instruments characters but I do own this plot.


I ran down the stairs towards the entrance of the institute. I didn't even think about anything else except that Sebastian might already be here for Alex. I wouldn't let him have her not after I just got her.

"What happened?" I heard Clary call from behind me. She was running after me. I didn't care as long as I got to the entrance fast. I speed up and I could hear hurrying to catch up. We got to the entrance not long after.

Sebastian was standing in the doorway. There were people in red uniforms around him. I could see someone lying on the ground. In front of one of the people in red whom had a bloody sward in his hand. Clary stepped around me and saw the body. She ran over to the body. She stabbed the man in red in his throat before kneeing down next to the body.

"Vic." She screamed. I pulled out two blades and ran to her side just in case one of the people tried attacking. I hadn't realized before that it was Vic. She was still alive but badly hurt.

Clary struggled to put a healing rune on her but it just faded into her skin. Clary was sobbing. I glanced at the people in red and Sebastian they all stopped and where watching Clary and Vic.

"You're going to be okay." Clary sobbed. "You're going to be okay." She kept repeating. Vic put her hand on Clary's cheek smearing blood on the side of her face.

"Be good to my brother even if you're not together." She said in a fading voice. She looked up at me and I could see the tear in her eyes. "Take care of my sister." He eyes fluttered shut and her hand dropped limply from Clary's cheek. Clary started screaming I knew the line that binds them cut because of her death. I saw the Parabatai rune on Clary's arm start to fade to a light gray.

"No!” Clary screamed. "No!” I could see Alec, Izzy, Simon, and Carter in the doorway. Carter was crying too. I felt one of my blades snatch out of my hand.

When I turned, Clary was on her feet and had the blade I just had in her hands. She stepped towards Sebastian. Some of the people and red blocked him. I stepped up next to Clary with the blade in my hand. I felt everyone else file in beside us making a line that blocked their way into the institute.

"Get them." Sebastian said to the people in red. They all got out weapons some had daggers others had swards. They started at us.


Sebastian had killed my Parabatai and wanted to take my daughter away from me. I was going to kill him for everything he has ever done. I'll make him regret everything.

A woman in red came at me. She started throwing knives towards me. I ducked at all of them but one shored passed me and cut me in the arm where my Parabatai rune used to lay bright and bold. I held my arm and looked up at the women she gave a wicked smile.

"Good thing your Parabatai is already dead." She said before hurling another knife. I ducked again before throwing my blade at her chest. It dug deep into the middle of her chest. She fell backwards on her back dead. Before I could pull out the blade there was a scream.

I turned two men in red had Izzy down. I kicked one down and taking his dagger. I stabbed him in the back, and took the other one out before kneeling next to Izzy. Simon stood next to me but kept other people off me as I tried healing Izzy but like with Vic the healing rune just faded away.

"We have to get you to Magnus." I said.

"He's upstairs watching the kids." She said quietly.

"He has to heal you. He has to look at you." I said. I looked around everyone was still fighting. Jace was up against two while Alec also had two. Only one went after Carter. Simon was taking one out a few feet from me.

There were about eleven on the ground either bleeding to death or dead already. I lifted Izzy up off the ground and carried her up the stairs. I was walking down the corridor with her arm slung around my shoulder and her feet dragging on the ground.

A sharp pain ran through my leg. I dropped Izzy and feel to the ground next to her. She groaned in pain. I tried standing up but my leg gave in and I collapsed back to the floor. I turned to see a man in red standing next to Sebastian. On the other side of Sebastian, a little boy that looked about Alex’s age maybe a bit older.

He had scarlet colored hair that had some blonde streaks in it. His eyes where a dark blackish blue color, he also had small pointy ears. He looked a lot like Sebastian but also like someone else, I knew. I didn’t like how he looked so dangerous but so beautiful at the same time. He looked like the type of kid you would just want to play with all day and you would never get tired doing it but also like you just wanted to distance yourself from him too. It scared me. I froze in my spot on the floor. They came closer and soon Sebastian was standing over me.

"Don't you know little sis." He said. "I always get what I want."

"You're a monster." I spit. I felt a little pinch in my arm. I looked down and saw he was drawing a knock out rune on my arm. I sucked in a breathe knowing what's coming. He chuckled.

"That maybe" He said before my vision went black. The last thing I saw was Sebastian standing over me.


I could hear to commotion that was happening down stairs but Izzy told me to stay up hear and protect the kids. They barely seemed to notice the noise as they threw knives a target. I couldn’t help but worry about Alec he was down there risking his life for his little niece that he just found out he had. I heard another scream a few minutes ago and I could tell it was Izzy or Clary. I had the need to run down the stairs and help them but I knew I couldn’t leave the children alone.

There was a loud knock on the door. Alex and Malachi stopped throwing knives and turned to the door. No one moved from there spot. Malachi looked scared but Alex stayed calm and got a few more knives in her hand. Alex was defiantly Jace’s daughter. There was a loud crash and bang. The door flew off its hinges. Sebastian was standing in the doorway in the middle of a little boy and one of his endarken men. The little boy looked a lot like him but he had scarlet hair with blonde streaks and dark blue eyes not like Alec’s blue eye but a blackish blue. He turned to Sebastian and I could see his pointed ears. I looked closer at the boy and realized he was part fairy but that couldn’t be.

They came closer but I kept the kids behind as I shot spell after spell at them. With every spell I shot at them the endarken would redirect it. I figured he must have been a warlock. The warlock shot some green fire at me and before I could redirect it, it hit me and I fell to my back. I heard a little thud then someone fell. I looked up to see Alex standing next to me across from her the endarken warlock was on the ground with a knife sticking from his chest.

Alex threw another knife but Sebastian ducked out the way. She threw one towards the little boy but he caught it with his hand and dropped it on the ground. I tried to stand but I fell back and hit my head. Darkness consumed me and I saw Malachi kneeling next to me with such a frightened look on his face before everything went black.    

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