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I don't own the mortal instruments characters but I do own this plot.


I was in the music room playing the grand piano. I haven't played it since Clary came back. I spent all my time trying to get her back now I spend all my time with my daughter. I still can't believe I have a daughter and I didn't know for the first seven years of her life.

I ran my fingers across the piano keys when I heard something small from behind me. When I turned, I saw Alex standing a few feet away from me. She had been watching me play.

"You play as pretty as mommy said you did." She said.

Clary had been talking about me to her over the years. I guy its good she didn't totally shut me out of Alex's life. She could have not said anything at all about me. She could have told Alex Carter was her real dad. I knew she still loved me enough even back then that she wouldn't shut me completely out. I patted the seat next to me.

"Want me to teach you some?" I asked.

She ran over and sat next to me. She had a big smile spread across her face. I smiled back at her before returning my attention to the grand piano. I hit a key then another. I played a slow simple little tune. It only consisted of hitting four different keys repeatedly in the same order.

After I was finished, I turned to Alex. She was staring at the keys. I told her to try playing what I just played. She put her fingers on the keys. She barely pressed her fingers to the keys when the tune filled the room. It was slow and simple. She finished and I showed her another tune. As she learned, I gradually got harder with the tunes. I turned the tunes into simple melodies then to small songs that I remember when I was still learning.

I felt the eyes of someone watching from behind but I wasn't afraid. I kept showing Alex songs and watching her play and learn quickly. She was learning quicker than I did.

There was a bang and I turned to see Izzy coming into the room. Clary was behind her leaning against the doorframe. Clary must have been the one watching us. She was looking at Izzy now astonished that she had interrupted. Izzy looked at Clary then at me.

"Cater has asked for us all to be in the library now." She said. "He says it's important."

I picked Alex up into my arms and walked with Clary and Izzy to the library. When we walked in Alec, Simon, Vic, and Carter was already in the library. Everyone was sitting except for Carter. He stood at the head of the room pacing. I put Alex down on her feet.

"She doesn't need to hear this." Carter said not looking up. "She should stay in her room until we are finished." I was about to protest that I didn't want to leave her alone when Magnus spoke up.

"Malachi is in the training room if she wants to play with him." Magnus said. Alex smiled up at me as in asking if she could go play. I nodded my head and she ran out the library doors.

I sat down and Clary automatically took the seat next to me. I put my arm around her shoulder just to see if she would pull away. She scooted closer to me and rested her head on my shoulder.

When Carter finally looked up, he glared at me. I raised an questioning eyebrow at him. I knew what he had done. I knew he had betrayed Clary and everyone else by going and making bets and deals with Sebastian.

"Okay." He said slowly. I could tell he was nervous. He was sweating a bunch like he had a spot light on him. "I'm guess some of you know what I did."

Clary and I hadn't told anyone else about what he did. Everyone just looked confused and eager about hearing this.

"I met secretly with Sebastian and made a deal with him out of jealousy." He said. I looked at everyone else's relations to this. Everyone had the same reaction. They were all mad and upset but Vic didn't look mad more like hurt and upset. She looked as if she was about to cry and break down. Carter continued without looking at anyone.

"I made a deal that I would give Clary to him for one day" he said slowly. His eyes never looked up from his hands. "And in return he would kill Jace."

"You trader!" Izzy yelled. She was up on her feet pulling out her whip. "I'll make you pay trying to get my brother killed!" She snapped the whip in his direction and caught his hand. He yelped in pain and surprise. He tried to get the whip off his hand but it was too tight.

Alec grabbed Izzy from behind and was whispering in her ear something we all couldn't hear. Whatever he said had worked she dropped the whip from his hand and put it back on her belt. She sat back down by Simon but she still had so much hate in her eyes. I could tell her hands were shaking and I could bet she wishes she were strangling him. Carter was rubbing his wrist that now had a red mark on it. He continued after Izzy got a little calmer.

"I'm not telling you this so you will hate me," he said slowly.

"Well so far it's not working." Simon snapped. "If you did it to earn trust, that’s not working either."

"No I didn't do it for trust either." He said then look a deep breath. "He said there would be consequences if I didn't fulfill my part of the beat and obviously I didn't."

I was a little confused as the words sunk in. "Sp he's going to punish you?" I asked.

"I will gladly do it for him or with him." Izzy said in a loud whisper.

"No. He's not just going to punish me." He said slowly.

"What do you mean?" Magnus asked.

"He said he's going to take the person we all love the most." He said. Everyone in the room freezes. I pull Clary closer to me. No one speaks for a good three minutes but finally Alec breaks the silence.

"Does that mean Clary?" Alec asked, "Because he's only ever wanted her."

"I don't think so. No offence." She tells Clary. "But we all don't love you the most yeah we love you but..." She trailed off seeing that she wasn't really helping. 

"He probably was talking about Jace and Carter." Simon said. We all look at him. "What? I'm just saying this was a deal with giving Clary up so he would kill Jace."

"I wouldn't have given her up for long." Carter protests. "It was only a day."

"Whatever." Simon said leaning forward in his chair. Everyone was still staring at him. "You gave Clary up and Jace hurt Clary long ago. You both hurt Clary some point in your lives. So who is it that you both have in common and love most?"

I didn't like how he brought up me hurting Clary. I never wanted to remember hurting her. Everyone went quiet again before his words sank in. Clary must have realized the same time as me. Clary turned to me and the look on her face almost broke my heart. She looked sad and hurt.

"Alex." She said quietly.

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