Chapter 19

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                 -Lauren's P.O.V-

Last night I couldn't sleep. I don't know why I kept waking up having nightmares. Madison was in most of them. I dreamt she got so hurt by people and I kept seeing flashes of her face. It was full of tears. It kinda scared me. So I've been up for ages.

Tori has been amazing. She's just been there listening and jamming out songs with me. It's pretty cool!

I've printed out a few songs with the guitar chords on them. I'll start learning them when I have time. I have learned a lot though.

I haven't even heard from Madison since yesterday. Normally she either texts me late at night or early morning.

Its weird now. Its changed now. All because of Ryan. I can't help who she falls in love with but I just hope he doesn't fuck her around. I will get him. That's a promise.

My phone buzzed.
Hey I'm flying back into New York today. You have to visit me soon! :) x -Emma

Oh My God! I am so getting Mom to let me soon! Miss ya! How was it? - Lauren

It went off again.
It was great actually! I'll FaceTime you later! - Emma

Okay :) - Lauren

I better get something to eat. I feel like McDonald's. Is that weird? Maybe. Most likely. Oh well.

I put on a pair of trainers and set off to my favorite place apart from my bed.

After I bought my food I sat at a table by myself. I got the chicken legend meal.

Being here reminds me of when Madison.

My phone buzzed at it snapped me out of my thoughts.

Hey :) you're alone in McDonald's? Maybe I join...? -Tati

I texted her back.
Sure :) - Lauren

A few minutes later I felt a tap on my shoulder. Then Tatiana sat down.

"Hey what's up?" I asked her.

"I was walking past here and I saw you through the window. I thought you looked sad." She asked furrowing her eyebrows.

"Naah. I'm alright."


"Yeah I'm sure." I chuckled.

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