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A/N: hiiii sorry for abandoning this for so long!! But I'm back now :) this is the second last part and, well, it's kinda sad :-) sorry :-)

[Ashton's POV]

The past three months had been amazing. Jake was nowhere to be seen and Y/N never mentioned him, it was like he had never existed. Y/N seemed to have gotten over him, and the amount of time we got to spend together left me in a permanent state of happiness.

Well, all up till the point I'm in my room alone, thinking of her. I didn't need to sleep, so I didn't have that escape from my thoughts, my thoughts that only revolved around her.

How could I have let this go so far? This wasn't healthy. This wasn't safe.

I was her guardian angel, for god's sake! My job was to keep her safe. How could I keep her safe when I could get killed at any moment if my emotions were ever voiced?

"As long as you keep it a secret, you'll be fine," I keep telling myself, but how can I keep it to myself when all I want is to tell her ho much I love her?

With a sigh, I got up from my bed and headed to the kitchen. Y/N was most likely still sleeping, so i started making her breakfast along with a cup of coffee for myself.


[YN's POV]

I woke up to the smell of coffee and food cooking, bringing a smile to my face. Ashton was an angel - both literally and metaphorically.

I swung my legs off the side of my bed and just sat there for a little bit, trying to clear my head of the dream I had just had. It was one of many that I had been having lately, and it was making no sense to me. It always depicted Ashton and I being in love, being so incredibly happy just being with each other. We were one of those cutesy couples you saw on tv, but I just wasn't able to make sense of it.

Ashton was always occupying my every thought. Was I allowed to feel this was? Would anything ever happen between us? Could anything happen between us?

With a sigh, I decided to actually get up. I tied my hair messily into a bun as I stepped into the kitchen to see Ashton cooking some eggs, his back turned to me.

"Good morning," he greeted, not even needing to turn around, but I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Morning," I answered sleepily.

I took this time to observe and appreciate the sight in front of me. I bit my lip, wishing it could be something more than me just checking out my incredibly attractive roommate. I also wished it could be something less complicated than the fact that my attractive roommate was also my guardian angel.


We spent that whole day out, buying Ashton new clothes since all his tee-shirts seemed to have holes in them. We even got ice-cream and Ash got it all over his nose, so I just had to take a photo.

Upon returning to our flat, I realised that it was slowly getting covered in photos of us, further making me wish that this was something serious.

I went to bed that night expecting one of those obnoxious dreams, but instead I got something very, very different.

The room was completely dark for the exception on one light shining right in the middle. In that spotlight stood a hooded figure, looking down at Ashton who seemed to be tied to a chair. He was struggling to break free while the hooded figure just laughed and mumbled something incomprehensible, digging around his robes. The mysterious figure pulled out a golden dagger, and my blood ran cold.

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