-Chapter One- Charlotte-

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Cotton sheets wafted serenely in the cool autumn breeze, the scent of fabric softener mingling with the wet grass and salt from the nearby coastline.

'Mummy! Mummy look!'

I turned to face the small garden, watching my daughter chase the dog around the patio furniture. Her squeals of laughter filled my heart, and I exhaled on a long breath. She was safe.

Glittery boots splashed through puddles, her blond curls bouncing around her pink cheeks. I closed my eyes, trying to commit every moment to memory.

A gust of wind blew past me, flipping my long hair around my face. Tucking it back behind my ear, I paused. My hand was so light.

My heart dropped in my chest, a cold wave of nausea rolling over my body. My hand was too light, the ring. I wasn't wearing the ring.

My mouth dry, I started down at my empty finger. Where did I last have it? I couldn't have lost it. He would kill me if I'd lost it. A hand touched my shoulder and I jumped away.

'Baby you're okay,' a voice said, 'breathe Charlotte, you're okay.'

The sweet scent of orange body lotion filled my senses. Minnie.

'He's not here baby, you're safe.' She whispered, stroking a thin hand over my hair.

Staring at nothing, my heart beat wildly in my chest. I didn't loose the ring, I left it behind. Sucking in a shaky breath, I exhaled slowly, trying to calm my erratic heart.

I glanced sideways at her, the breeze ruffling her short auburn hair. She smiled at me, her tanned skin glowing in the fading light.

'You left the ring behind,' she said, her kohl rimmed hazel eyes soft.

'We got out,' I said, running my necklace pendant through my fingertips.

'You did baby,' she said, pulling me into a hug. I relaxed in her arms, Minnie was safe. Trusted. She had been my mum's best friend, and now, she was mine too. I leaned my head on her shoulder and she squeezed me tight.

Held in each other's arms, watching Luna, it almost felt like peace. She pressed a kiss into the side of my head, 'you didn't have to hang the washing out.'

'It needed doing so I did it,' I said, giving Luna the thumbs up when she looked back at me.

Minnie let out a long, disapproving huff, 'the doctor said you needed to rest, you shouldn't-'

I cut her off. 'I'm fine, seriously Minnie I'm good, honestly I hate just sitting around doing nothing.'

Minnie was quiet for a moment, the heat of her tiny body comforting. 'They were about to sing to Annabelle, I thought maybe you'd like a piece of cake, you know since you decorated the whole house for her.'

'No, I'm okay. Luna might like a piece though,' I said quietly.

'Come on, you should have a slice. You're not eat-'

A shout came from the doorway, cutting her off and we turned towards the noise. Her arm fell from around me and I was suddenly so cold.

One of the younger girls strode up to me, 'the police, they said it was urgent,' she said, holding out a phone.

Thanking the girl, I took the phone.

'Please let this be some good news,' I muttered as Minnie left me to join Luna's chasing game. 'Hello?'

The hair on the back of my neck rose; my stomach twisting into a knot. A heavy breath sounded in my ear. A satisfied exhale, as if the person had been holding their breath until I spoke.

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