Chapter 5: They get meaner

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For bullies, a victim refusing to react is merely a challenge to overcome, and usually that's when they think up some of their meanest ideas, aimed at getting the reaction they desire.

Becky had exactly one of those brainwaves, grabbed Rory's cute waist-length duffel coat and asked the others to wait for her, saying she'd be "back in two minutes".

She went into the back field adjacent to that old gym and dragged Rory's coat through mud a number of times until it was caked in it.

And it had been raining earlier in the day, which made it even worse.

Pleased with her effort and initiative, she returned to the classroom and plonked Rory's wet, muddy coat on the table in front of her without saying a word.

"Oh, wow", Allison said.

"OMG," Jackie said, "Is it like, totally ruined?"

"Probably", Becky replied.

"Nice, she'll never wear that again," said Jackie.

"Unless we make her?!", Becky chirped.

"So mean. I love it," Allison said in approval.

Becky was pleased that her friends approved.

Rory started to cry quietly.

Only Allison was wondering if maybe they should feel bad now.

For Becky, it was exactly the reaction she'd expected, it increased her status in Allison's eyes, impressed her younger cousin and made all three of them feel so powerful together.

Rory just hoped they were all satisfied and would leave her alone now.

But things were about to get more physical...

Bullying Rory Gilmore: Rory's 16thWhere stories live. Discover now