Chapter 3 - Learn to Love

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Author's Note: Hope everyone is safe! This was kinda a rough chapter to write. If you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship please seek help. Enjoy guys!

We had been riding along for days.  My sister and I had been stuck in this Wagon ever since we left our ranch.  Since my brother died.  Colm's men would let us out to relieve ourselves every couple hours, and never at the same time.  This was to prevent us from running away.  Colm knew I would never leave my sister with him and she was too scared to run.  No one ever said anything to us.  

Riding in the wagon was boring.  My sister would entertain herself with her doll, but mostly sat silent.  She had not spoken a word since we last left our house.  I tried to convince her to talk, or tell her stories.  It was hard to be creative when my grieve was overwhelming me so much.  Other than the two of us there was nothing in the wagon.  We had two long bench-like seats in the wagon to sit on and there was plenty of room for us to lay down when we went to bed.  We would overhear the men talking about where to camp at.  So far they slept and rode in shifts.  I had not seen Colm since our first meeting. 

Looking out at the scenery was impossible, the wagon was completely draped with the canvas.  All four sides were covered, I would try to reach through the bars and pull the canvas out of the way to see where we were.  Everytime I tried someone would slap my hand,hard.

When we passed lawmen they asked what was in that completely covered wagon.  Colm would answer with, "My wife is currently in labor.  Been in pain for days." or "my dear uncle is very sick, wouldn't want you poor boys to catch it."

   One night they actually stopped moving.  We still could not see anything outside of our covered wagon.  We could hear the people outside, but could not make out what they were doing.  I waited an hour or so till I finally decided to go to sleep.  My hopes of being let out for the night vanished. 

I was awakened by the sun peering in.  I sat straight up, hoping I had finally woken up from this dream.  A man I had not seen before was standing by our cage entrance, holding the canvas flap open. 

"Sorry to wake you ladies."  The man said shy, causing my sister to scoot behind me..  He had long shoulder length hair and a scruffy looking beard.  He wore a thick leather jacket and wide brimmed hat.  "I- I brought you both some blankets.  It's' going to be cold where we are headed.  I also brought some bread, figured you might be hungry."  He said as he slid the blankets through the bars.  I hesitantly grabbed them.

"What's your name?"  I asked, never taking my eyes away from his.     

"Keiran Ma'am - uh - Mrs. O'driscoll.  Keiran Duffy"  He glanced down as he adjusted his hat.

"Please. Kerian doesn't call me that.  My name is Maria.  Please, open this gate."  I gently reached through the bars to put my hands on his.   

He jerked his hands away from my touch and quickly looked around.  He began to whisper, "Mrs. O'driscoll look."  He signed deeply, " I can't let you out.  Colm wears the key around his neck.  If he even caught me talking to you -"

"At least call me Maria, give me that respect."  I spat at him, turning away from him. 

I heard him sigh again, " Colm is ordering all of us to call you Mrs. O'driscoll.  I am just as scared of him as you are.  Most of us are"  He closed the canvas flap and was gone. 

I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream and be angry.  Yet I pulled myself together.  I took one of the blankets Keiran had given us and wrapped it around my sister.

I mustered up the warmest smile I could, " Tattianna, we'll be able to make snowmen soon."

Another two and a half days passed by without seeing anyone for longer than a moment or two.  The wagons never stopped moving, the horses never got a break.  In our little wagon we could feel the temperature change dramatically.  It became so cold that we could see our breath.  I wished we had warmer clothes, but I was thankful for the blankets Keiran had brought.  My sister still was not speaking, then again there was not much to talk about.  We spent our time with her cuddled in my lap and the two blankets wrapped around us.

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