Chapter 4- Dinner

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{Author note: Hey there everyone! Before you continue with the story, I wanted to say a few things! Feel free to skip over if you'd prefer. So, first of all, coronavirus. I know you're probably sick of hearing about it, but I thought it would be a good thing to bring up. Due to coronavirus, I am out of school for the rest of the year (though I'll be doing online classes), so I will probably publish more chapters at least a bit more often if my motivation doesn't screw me over. I sometimes get bored writing my own stories, so I guess all I can do is try to get them written and hope that you guys don't get bored reading them. Also, please don't take this lightly! Wash your hands, practice social distancing WEAR A MASK... Curl up and read some fanfiction! Just kidding... unless? Also, thank you all for reading this! It's ranking up pretty quickly and I'm so glad you guys like it. :) I won't hold you back from reading any longer. Enjoy!}

       The two girls arrive at the porch. Natsuki feels her heart pound. Why am I so nervous? She realizes Yuri is staring at her, most likely trying to read her expression. "Natsuki... You don't have to worry. You'll be safe here." Natsuki nods as Yuri opens the door. She is greeted by the smell of lavender. "You can hang your things up here," Yuri gestures to a strip of hangers on the wall. Natsuki takes off her school bag and stands on her tiptoes, attempting to hang it up. Yuri stifles a giggle. "Need some help?" Natsuki shoots her a glare before giving up and nodding. Yuri smiles and hangs up both of their bags. Nat mumbles. "I'm sorry, what was that?" Yuri asks.

       "You heard me," Nat rolls her eyes. "Don't make me say it again." Yuri tilts her head. "Arghhh! Thank you! Stop making me do stuff like that!" 

       "You're welcome. Now, dinner," she starts, walking into the kitchen, "I'm thinking chicken noodle soup? You passed out, so I figure that might be nice. Plus, it's a bit cold out." 

       "Sure. Whatever you want. I'll eat anything. Mind if I sit?" Nat gestures to the couch.

       "No, not at all! Feel free to lie down if you need."

       "Thanks." Natsuki plops down on the couch and sighs. She closes her eyes, sinking right into it. She opens her eyes and looks around at the photos on the wall. She sees pictures of Yuri with her mother and father. She starts to think about her own parents, but decides that's not what she wants to think about. "Hey, Yuri?"


       "Where are your parents?" Yuri sets a timer and leaves the pot of soup on the stove before walking into the living room. She clears her throat as Natsuki nervously tries to figure out if she made the wrong decision in asking.

       "They're not around very often. Business trips and things like that. They never really seemed to have time for me." She glances at the photos Natsuki was looking at. "Honestly, at this point, I pretty much live alone. Those photos were taken awhile back. Before they got those stupid jobs and left me on my own. Back when everything was okay." Her voice trembles ever so slightly. Natsuki stares at her.

       "Oh... I- Sorry. Guess I'm not the only one with parental issues, huh?" Nat laughs awkwardly as Yuri gives her a sincere smile. 

       "I suppose so." She wants to ask about Natsuki's mom, but she has a feeling it's a rather sensitive subject. Better not, she thinks to herself. All of a sudden, the kitchen timer beeps. "Sounds like dinner's ready!" She walks into the kitchen to serve up the soup. Natsuki follows her, her eyes falling on the large wooden knife block. There is a large assortment of knives in it, not a single slot empty. 

       "Yuri..." Natsuki starts as Yuri notices her looking at the knife block. She puts spoons in both bowls before walking over to stand next to Nat.

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