» O1.

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its summer now,our school decided to have a summer study camp with few students who are- willing to come & is agreed by the parents, as much as i don't want to go there, sadly, my father is the principal so i HAD to go.i arrived one day earlier than any student, in the place where the camp was supposed to be held.

the place is surrounded with trees and flowers,mostly sunflowers, and the atmosphere is really calm.

An old women who's living around here told me about something,weird enough, but interesting at the same time.

it's about curses, myths and some wish granting creatures living in this forest.

i love listening it but to me, it's just like a story. i didn't believe in such things.

at the evening,i helped my aunt who is cleaning the compound and that day had passed pretty quickly.


the sun is shining brightly the next day, but it wasn't that hot though. students started to come and i noticed that they're around my age.i think some of them are new students.probably, cause I've never seen them around since i attend in my dad's school for most of my life.

after some time,it's around 3 in the afternoon, and i think all the students had arrived. i went to the upstairs,library and arrange the empty shelves with some books.

i saw a door knob-like thing above the one of the book shelf which makes me questioned why such thing is it there and i tried to examine it but,i wasn't tall enough to reach it.Just then, i heard my aunt calling out my name from the outside and decided to look out from the window.

i noticed one lady,who came out from a car which is parked just now and opened one of the car's door behind. there is one guy, around my age sitting there with a sad face,he came out of the car with a backpack,the lady or..i guessed she's his mother, told him something and gave a peck on his cheek but he didn't reply. the woman went back to the car and drove the car away. that boy rubbed his cheek with a disgusted face and came towards the house.

i shook my head slowly, and wondered why was i even looking at them and continued to arrange the books forgetting about the door knob just then, i heard some noise coming from the stairs and look towards it, it was him. he put his backpack and one trolley while giving a glare? i assumed. he left without a word.

“ANN COME DOWN” i heard my aunt calling, so i went downstairs quickly. i noticed that the new people who came earlier started to be friends in no time, or were they friends even before? i don't even know.

some, seemed tensed and sat alone.

i see that the boy from earlier sat far away more than the others with his cold face plastered on a book. which is titled " flying necklace ".

eventually, one guy really caught my attention who's alone, with a very red eyes and nose, he cried i can sense. i sat near him and asked,"miss your mother?" while giving him a tissue.
he took it and shook his head while wiping his teary eyes.

"dad? girlfriend? boyfriend?" i asked again and continued to shook.

"grandpa" he finally spoke.

i nod my head slowly,to show concernity.

"do you have any friends?" i broke the silence between us. i heard him sniff.

"..." he wiped his nose, "no.." and looked down.

i gave out my hands to him,smiling"Anné,Annie kim".

he lift out his hand and shakes my hand, "Zhong Chenle".

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