I Don't; 7

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August Alsina.

"How can we help?" Simon asked.

"That you'll have to take up with Malcolm when he gets home. He leaves me out a lot of things, I'm guessing for my safety."

"I understand." I nodded.

"But what I can do is show you all around the neighborhood until Malcolm gets back." She suggests.

I bit ma lip already regrettin what was about ta exit ma mouth. "Can you take us ta whea  y'all found ha?"

She seemed taken aback by ma question. Her eyes glossed over as they read sadness and heartbreak. I knew it was too much on ha and maself ta see whea she was, but I needed ta see this. I wanted ta feel whea ha body laid fa minutes, maybe hours.

Fixin ha face, she nodded ha head. "If that's what you want, then yes."

I nodded. "Yeah that's what I want. I need ta see the area."

"Okay. I'll take you guys there, but just know the area where we found her isn't the best. There's gangs, drug dealers, even some prostitutes. It's not safe."

"Ain't shit I ain' neva deal with befo'. Befo' I was August Alsina, I was just Yung, sellin dope and all that other shit. I seen everything life has ta offer, don't nobody put fear inside ma heart. No nigga or bitch gone make me feel less than."

Rose nodded ha head. "I understand."

After finishing their breakfast August, Rose, and Simon headed outside. August sighed, feeling the hot air hit his exposed skin.

"Okay, first I would like to apologize for this hot weather." She giggled, watching the boys wipe the little sweat beads from their forehead. "I'm gonna show you boys around then we can head to um that area." Rose said, tucking her lips.

It was no secret that Rose was visible uncomfortable and saddened by the thought of Sarah. Rose was an empathetic soul and she felt hurt from everyone, so seeing Sarah how she did, hurt her soul to the core. Rose didn't have kids, but everyone and their mothers knew who Rose was. She might not have her own kids, but everyone was her baby. Whenever Malcolm was at work, Rose would visit her neighbors and make sure they were alright.

After showing August and Simon around, the last area to show them was the area where they found Sarah. On their way back home, they guys made casual conversation with Rose asking her questions about her life.

"You was at teacher?" Simon asked.

"Yup. I taught 11th and 12th graders." She answered, walking past her home.

"Did you like it?" Simon asked again.

Rose was aware that August was fairly quiet and she made a mental note to talk to him once they got back home.

"I loved it. I love teaching. All my students were excellent. I don't know how they were everywhere else, but in my classroom, they were angels." She chuckled.

Getting closer to the scene, a car slowly drove by. Since August wasn't paying attention to the conversation between Rose and Simon, he was the first to notice the car. Keeping his mug on his face, he kept his eyes on the car until it completely drove by, turning the corner.

"Aye, whea you say them niggas be?"

Pausing their conversation, Rose turned around to address August. "I'm sorry, baby, what did you say?"

"Mevo and his niggas, whea they be posted at? A car just drove by, like they finna do a drive by or some shit." August said, looking around for anything suspicious.

I Don't (August Alsina)Where stories live. Discover now