Wishing Place

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WARNING: This chapter mentions suicide so if you are sensitive to this topic then feel free to skip this chapter. I totally understand. Love you lovelies.

My shift had ended and I was walking out of the bar through the back door. I reached in my back pocket and grabbed my phone to call Jimin and tell him I was coming home. As I neared my car I got my keys to unlock the door. I noticed a tall, slender figure leaning against the side. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Move" I spoke coldly. Jungkook gave a hurtful scoff and placed a hand on his heart. 

"Not even gonna say 'Oh, thanks for waiting, Jungkook" Jungkook un-accurately mocked my tone of voice. I pushed him away from the door and unlocked the car, reaching for the handle. "Not even a 'hi'?" he raised his eyebrows and gave a slight pout. 

"I really don't have time for this, Jungkook" I gave a look that told him I was not amused. I got into the drivers seat and Jungkook hurriedly went to hold the door open so I wouldn't close it. 

He's really eager, huh?  I thought along with a long sigh. 

"Please, I just wanna hang out." He gave more intense pout. "It's my birthday" he straightened his back with his words.

"I heard." 

"Then be my birthday present and hang out with me." his words shocked me.  I snapped my head towards him and nibbled my bottom lip, thinking. I Looked back at my stirring wheel and closed my eyes and let out an annoyed sigh.

"Fine" I muttered under my breath. Jungkook's face lit up and he let out a giddy like sound. it seemed like he was prancing towards the passenger seat. When he hopped in he looked at me with a big bunny smile that somehow melted my heart.  I turned the keys in the exhaust and looked away from Jungkook's smiley presence.  

"Where too?" He asked opening the glove compartment. I closed it in an annoyed manner, glaring at Jungkook and telling him silently to not go through my stuff. He smiled in response.

God he's annoying. 

"It's a surprise." I replied nonchalantly to his questing.

We pulled out of the parking lot and started driving. The ride was silent except for a few throat clears. We were fifteen minutes down the road and I started driving into another parking lot. In the center was a large building. I signaled to get out by opening the door. Jungkook followed. His mouth was agape as he scanned the area in awe. "What is this place?" He mumbled loud enough for me to hear.

"It used to be an old church. The pastor killed himself. The deacons never cared enough to get a new pastor and soon the people just stopped coming to church." We walked towards the large building. 

"Why did he kill himself?" Jungkook asked. As we approached the double doors.

"His wife died and he felt like he had lost his whole life, so he overdosed." Jungkook grabbed the handle of one of the doors. He tugged a few times before the door finally budged and we entered. Moonlight shined through the stained glass and casted colored shadows. Jungkook did a 180 as he examined the large sanctuary. 

I walked through the isle and pew until I took a seat in the middle of one. I stared at the alter and let all the memories of this place flood my mind. 


"As we are gathered here today" Taehyung said in a deep, mocking voice. I laughed at his actions. "We are here to rejoice and have our sins repented."  I giggled. "Bow your head with me and say a prayer." I started laughing even more. "Bow your head!" Taehyung raised his voice, fully into character. I giggled and followed his request.  A few seconds past before Taehyung softly said "Amen"

I raised my head and looked at Taehyung who had now changed out of the 'preacher' act, and back into his own. "what did you pray for?" Taehyung asked as he started to walk down the isle. I watched him approach me and sit down in the pew in front of me.  

"to find true love." My words seemed to stiffen the the previous emotion we were feeling, turning the situation into a more serious one. Taehyung's  eyes softened as tears threatened to escape the barrier of my lid. Taehyung placed a hand on the croak of my neck in an act of comfort. 

"And you will" He whispered and wiped the tear that rolled down my cheek. 

End of flashback

Jungkook had sat down beside me and was staring at the alter. "This is my wishing place" I broke the silence in between us. Jungkook gave me a curious look. "Every time I come here, I tend to be wishing for something" I answered his silent question. 

"Whats your wish this time?" Jungkook spoke deep, and softly. His question brushing against my eardrum in a satisfactory manner. Wanting to preserve the silence we shared we both spoke silently. 

"To be free." a long pause chased after my words. "What about you?" Jungkook seemed to stumble across his thoughts. 

"I don't know..." He said as more of a question towards himself that a statement. We didn't question each other we just let ourselves be fully submersed in the comfortable silence. Out breath matching as we soaked in the dusty air. It's like our feelings mixed filled the void between our two bodies,

   and in our hearts

A/N: I don't know what this chapter is. i feel like it was all over the place but I need it to be here cause i feel like i'm speeding up the plot and i'd like it to be a little bit slower. I have a fuck ton of ideas for other stories. if i'm lucky I'll be able to write at least 3 or 4 books this year. I was gonna put a song in there so ya'll could feel more of the emotion but i don't know.  

Thank you for reading Lovelies !!!!!!! 

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