Bury a friend- HP oneshot

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Requested by heretoreadread
Basic overview~ Harry and Minerva are really depressed after Dumbledore's death and take drastic measures
Warnings~ character deaths and depression

Harry wondered aimlessly around the dorms again. He'd got used to doing that night after night. He just couldn't sleep anymore. It was effecting his learning horribly. In fact, he had a detention later that day with professor Mcgonagall. He still had a few minutes before his first lesson. He didn't want to go. He couldn't be less interested in school if he tried.

The day passed by as normal, he went to lessons and didn't pay any attention, got yelled at, lost his temper and got more detentions. He didn't care honestly. It wasn't worth stressing about to him. School would end anyway. Who cares what the teachers think of you.

He went with Ron and Hermione to the great hall for dinner as usual before his detention in Mcgonagall's office. He didn't actually touch any of the food on his plate. "Harry you have to eat something" Hermione said firmly as Ron gobbled down his third plate of food. "I'm not hungry" he replied. "you'll starve- you'll die-you-" "Who gives a fuck, Hermione?!" he snapped, making everyone around him look up wide eyed.

Angrily, he stood up and left for Mcgonagall's office. He didn't stop or talk to anyone. He stopped momentarily outside Dumbledore's office and had to force himself not to cry. Angrily blinking the tears out of his eyes, he continued to Mcgonagall's office. Finally he was there.

He sighed as he knocked on the door. "Come in" called out a tired voice from the other side. He pulled open the door and stepped in.

There, hunched behind her desk sat a weary, frail looking, Professor Mcgonagall. She smiled weakly at him and nodded for him to sit down. Harry was surprised. He hadn't expected her to be so calm and kind to him. Taking the seat opposite her, Harry kept his eyes fixed to the ground.

The two talked for a while, each learned many things about each other. Harry talked of how he saw Dumbledore as his mentor, Mcgonagall shared how she and Dumbledore had been secret lovers.

Each missed him terribly.

Now truth be told, this wasn't really a detention. But a suicide pact. The teachers and students where both devastated to find them dead in the morning.

Each killed by two words "Avada Kedavra"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2020 ⏰

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