~~ A Bit Too Easy ~~

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Darkness, ever swirling and yet, it was changing somehow. L had become acutely aware that she was stirring from whatever had happened. She was confused and disoriented, and her thoughts didn't make much sense. The metallic tang of blood was the first thing L noticed when she resurfaced from the darkness. It was still dark but she could tell it was a different kind, she was conscious, that was the difference. Now that she knew that, she could start to try and piece together her situation.

She tried to open her eyes but something was stopping her. She tried to move her hands but again, something stopped her from doing so. L spat away the taste of blood, why was she bleeding? Where was she and why couldn't she seem to remember? The last thing she could recall, she was running with Bryce and Robbie, they'd stopped for some reason and then there was nothing. L felt her frustration rising, she didn't like that her mind wasn't working, almost as much as she didn't like being restrained.

She tried to be grateful that she wasn't dead already, but she had a feeling that probably wasn't far off. There was no way of knowing why she'd been kept alive. Her thoughts roamed to the possibility that Demons had got the jump on them and had finally delivered her to whoever wanted her knowledge now. It was the only reason they would keep her alive if they had her.

She attempted to use her abilities to sense where she was, to get some kind of feel for the situation but there was nothing to sense. She couldn't see, hear or smell anything, it was as if she was being blocked. She should have been able to hear insects or birds, or smell the dirt beneath, something should be there but it was muted somehow. L assumed it was magic, which ruled out most Demons, but who else would do such a thing and why?

L considered the Elves for a brief second, but why would they attack their Prince? No, it couldn't be them, someone else was behind this and she'd find out who just as soon as she broke free. She tried to move her body again but everything felt like it was being held still. She pushed down with Vampire and Ogre strength combined, after a moment she heard something creak, it sounded like metal. She couldn't tell which direction it came from but it sounded like she had caused it.

She pushed her body again and heard another creak, this time she felt something loosen and finally one hand came free. She pulled at whatever was on her face, it felt like rough cloth, tied so tightly L would struggle to untie it, especially with one hand. Even with her Werewolf claws, it took sometime to cut through the strange material. Finally it came away, L blinked furiously in an attempt to see sooner, though once she did it didn't do much good.

She was in a featureless room, it was basically a box, it looked like it had been carved into a perfect cube. There were no windows or doors, just a hole in the ceiling that had been covered by a grate. It brought in no light and L assumed the lights had been kept off for a reason, not that she really needed them to see.

She was laid on a metal cot, longer and wider than her own body, but it now had a nice dent in the middle. L found it particularly strange that she couldn't smell the metal, or anything beyond the room, but then maybe that was because her nose was bleeding.

That was where the blood in her mouth was coming from. What had happened between the forest they stopped in, and where they were now? And where were Bryce and Robbie? They certainly weren't being held in there with her. L knew she needed to figure out where here was first, then she could look for the two of them. She reached around to free her other hand and managed to unfasten the restraints that were holding her body to the cot.

She sat up slowly, her head was throbbing and the blood began to pour from her nose again. L dipped into her magic, preparing to heal any and all injuries she had sustained, but to her shock she couldn't access her magic. She tried and tried but to no avail, something was stopping her. L searched the room for something that might be the cause; an artifact or someone else's magic, but there was nothing- that she could find anyway.

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