•The Live that Started it all•

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Kate's POV:
I was watching tv in the living room when I saw that I had reached 2 million followers on TikTok. I was beyond excited and immediately rushed up to my room. I propped up phone against my pencil holder on my desk and went live.

Kate: "Hey guys!! I just wanted to get on live because I just reached two million followers!! That's so crazy to me. Thank you guys so much for watching my videos and loving them. Your love and support allows me to continue to create these videos for you and I'm so grateful for each and everyone one of you."

A lot of people joined and they were congratulating me and I felt so loved. A bunch of questions started rolling in so I decided to do a little Q&A.

Kate: "Okay um...what's it like being on social media? Oof, that's kind of a hard question not going to lie. Um, it's honestly really fun, but stressful at the same time. I knew that I was going to feel pressure to post a lot, but I never realized HOW much pressure I would have if that makes any sense. I get so caught up in posting and making sure that you guys enjoy the content that I create, that I forget to focus on myself. Also, since I'm on social media I feel obligated to let you guys know everything that is happening in my life, so when I take a break or something really personal happens in my life and I don't tell you guys, I feel guilty. I feel that way because I consider y'all to be family in a way, but I'm also learning to get rid of that feeling because I do want to keep some parts of my life private, or as private as I can. But besides that, social media is fun. I get to meet a lot of talented creators and it's the best. Wouldn't trade it for the world."

As I continue to answer questions I hear someone knock on my door and I pause my live to go check. I went downstairs to see my best friend Lily. She came over to congratulate me and we went up to my room and continued the live.

Kate: "Alright guys I'm back and I have a special guest. It's Lily!!"
Lily: "Hey!! What are we doing?"
Kate: "Just answering questions."
Lily: "Let me see....um...ooh this one is good, 'Who is your TikTok crush'?"

I death glare Lily because I know she picked that one out on purpose. I don't like talking about this because then people will start saying things and spreading shit that shouldn't be spread.

Lily: "Mine either has to be Bryce Hall or Ryan Clements. They are so fine."
Kate: "Oh my god Lily. Um...mine is Jaden Hossler."

As soon as I said that, the comments started filling with 'AWWWS' and 'OMG I SHIP' which is what I didn't want to happen but whatever. As I continue scrolling through the comments and answering questions, I notice that someone commented that Jaden was on my live and I took it as a joke, but then more and more of those comments started popping up and I started to freak out.

Kate: "Um Lils, can you come over here please?"
Lily: "Yea what's up?"

I point out the comments to her and her eyes widen just like mine did. At least I know I'm not going crazy. Then she laughs and I look at her weirdly.

Kate: "Why did you laugh like that?"
Lily: "Look."
Kate: "Hahah I'm flattered to be yo- HOLY SHIT."

JADEN FREAKING HOSSLER IS ACTUALLY ON MY LIVE AND HE HEARD ME SAY THAT HE WAS MY TIKTOK CRUSH!!! I am mentally facepalming right now. I froze and I had no words. I just decided to end the live.

Kate: "Well um... I think I should go ahead and end this live. Thanks guys for coming on here and asking all of your questions. Thank you for two million and I'll see you guys later!!!"

I exited out of TikTok and turned to Lily with a confused and embarrassed look on my face.

Lily: "Well...now he knows."
Kate: "How did he find my live?"
Lily: "You were probably on his for you page, saw that you were live and joined. Simple."
Kate: "I need to d-OMG LILY!!"
Lily: "What?!"
Kate: "Jaden Hossler just followed me on TikTok."

We both look at each other in joy and start jumping and screaming. As if this day couldn't get any better. The Jaden Hossler followed me on TikTok. Could my life get any better?

Stay tuned...
Hope you guys enjoyed this part. Let me know what you guys think.

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