•Vidcon Day 1•

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Kate's POV:
My alarm went off and I got out of bed. I thought about what happened before I went to bed last night and I immediately got butterflies in my stomach. I went to go get ready for the first day at Vidcon. I was so excited and I couldn't wait to meet everyone. After about 45 minutes, I noticed that Lily was also getting ready. After we were both done, we decided to head downstairs to grab some breakfast. As we left our room, I saw the boys exiting their room as well. I swear the universe's timing is impeccable.

Kate: "Whats up guys?"
Jaden: "Nothing much. Just headed to breakfast. You?"
Kate: "Was just about to do the same thing."
Bryce: "Can we join you ladies?"
Lily: "Don't even have to ask."

I laugh at Lily's comment and we all head downstairs. When we got to the breakfast area, Jaden pulled me aside again.

Jaden: "So...?"
Kate: "So what?"
Jaden: "Did you think about what I said last night?"
Kate: "Right. Um...."
Jaden: "Oh come on Kate. This could be fun. You know it too."
Kate: "Ugh fine. I'm in.
Jaden: "Yes!"
Kate: "How the hell are we going to pull this off though?"
Jaden: "And that is where the power of social media comes in handy. Do you have a YouTube channel?"
Kate: "Not yet. I was going to vlog here and have that be my first video."
Jaden: "Thinking what I'm thinking?"

He gave me this weird look like he was plotting something crazy, but I knew what he was thinking which was crazy.

Kate: "Yep. I'll start recording after breakfast."
Jaden: "Awesome! This is going to be the best weekend of your life."
Kate: "It better be Hossler."

We both looked at each other and laughed. Man this boy is going to ruin me.

5 hours later....
It was the middle of the day, and the group had a break until their next meet and greet. Kate used this as a time to record for YouTube since she hasn't gotten a chance. She sat down and set her camera on the table and started recording. Lily and boys were sitting around not paying much attention expect for Jaden.

"Hey guys! It's me Kate here. I am currently at Vidcon right now and it's absolutely insane. It is just the first day and I'm already tired. I don't know how these people do it. But bedsides that, I thought let me vlog this experience for you guys." As Kate continued to talk to her camera, Jaden couldn't help but keep his eyes on her. He was completely mesmerized. He got up and went behind her as she was talking and crouched down and wrapped his arms around her neck and kissed her on the top of her head.

Kate's POV:
I was in the middle of recording when I felt Jaden wrap his arms around me and kiss my head. I blushed instantly and gave a quick smile to the camera. This boy is something else I swear.

Kate: "Are you gonna stay hi or just stand there like an idiot."
Jaden: "Wow, rude much?"
Kate: "Whatever. Anyways like I was saying, if you guys have any suggestions on what I should post on here, let me know. I'm so excited to be able to interact with you guys on YouTube now and I can tell that it's going to be so much fun."
Jaden: "Yea because you're going to be seeing a lot of me on this channel."
Kate: "Liar."

We laughed and I cut off the video. I stood up and I made eye contact with Jaden and we were like that for a moment. It was like he was trying to tell me something, but I couldn't understand what. I looked away and walked over to the rest of the group. They were playing never have I ever and I decided to just watch.

A few hours later...
The first day was officially over and everyone was resting in their rooms. Kate got a message from Jaden to meet her in the hallway and so she got up out of bed and told Lily that she was going to talk to Jaden real quick. When she left her room, she saw the curly-headed boy with a huge smile on his face.

Kate: "Why are you so smiley?"
Jaden: "Wanna go on an adventure with me?"
Kate: "What do you have planned Hossler?"
Jaden: "Just say yes please."
Kate: "Fine."

He gave Kate a smirk and grabbed her hand and they ran down the hall. They hopped into the elevator and made their way to the lobby. Jaden dragged Kate outside and started walking around.

Kate: "Jaden where are you taking me?"
Jaden: "You'll see. You're gonna love it."

After about 15 minutes of walking, they reached a cliff that overlooked the hotel and the convention center. The sky was filled with so many stars and had a nice color to it. Kate was filled with awe.

Kate: "This is beautiful Jaden. How did you find this place?"
Jaden: "A few years ago, I went on a walk and ended up finding this spot and it sort of became my spot to relax whenever I come to Vidcon. Helps me think about life and really appreciate everything that I have going on for me."
Kate: "Why did you bring me here? This seems so intimate and we just met."
Jaden: "Because we only have the weekend here and I really wanted to show you this spot. I know we just met, but it felt right. Plus you're the first person that I've actually shown this to."
Kate: "Well I'm honored."

The two sat there talking for another hour before they went back to their rooms.

Kate: "Well thank you for taking me on this adventure. I really enjoyed it."
Jaden: "You're welcome."
Kate: "If being friends with you involves adventures like this, then I excited for what is in store."
Jaden: "This is just the beginning."
Kate: "Well I think we should go to bed because we have a long day tomorrow."
Jaden: "You're so right."
Kate: "Goodnight Jaden."
Jaden: Goodnight Kate."

The two stood their looking into each other's eyes again before Kate broke the eye contact. The gave each other slight smiles and entered their rooms.

Kate's POV:
Why do Jaden and I keep looking at each other like that? Does he like me? No that's not possible.

Jaden's POV:
I wish I could just tell Kate how I feel instead of being a bitch. I've never felt this way about a girl before. I know I just met her, but the connection that we have is already so strong. Would it be weird so think that I already love her? I've never been one for 'love at first sight', but I think I just experienced that with Kate.

Stay tuned...
Hope you guys enjoyed this part. Let me know what you guys think.

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