Chapter 1

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I woke, shaking. It's the same dream over and over again. I can't figure it out. I told mom and dad about it but they said it was probably just a sign of an overactive imagination. 

I sigh as I slide out of bed and my feet hit the cold wooden floor. I walk into the soft carpeted hall and heave a sigh of relief. I turn into the bathroom with cloudy eyes and a determination to wake up. Washing my face, I look up at the mirror. "Ugh... I look washed out." I huff as I reach for my washcloth. I hear noises coming from the kitchen and the smell of coffee spills in around me. I hop into the hall once more, a bit more chipper this time, and glance around the corner to see Mom nursing a mug by the counter.

"Good Morning!" I say as she looks up from her phone.

"Yes, Good morning. Now hurry up and get changed." She replies with a tap on her wrist watch and a chastening look in my direction. I slip back into my room with a roll of my eyes. Ripping my phone from it's charging cord, I turn on my pick-me-up tunes on YouTube Music and drag my sorry butt to my closet. I jump into a pair of jeans and pull my stripped T over my head as I sing along to Sing Street's "Drive it like you stole it".

"Jadealyn Kay Mckenna, Do you WANT to be late?" My mom asks from my doorway, making me jump out of my skin. She smiles and shakes her head laughingly. I laugh with her and smile, easily forgetting my dream from earlier.

"No," I say as I grab my phone and book bag. I follow her out of my room and back into the warm kitchen with it's familiar canary walls. She grabs her black thermos as I go to make some toast. My Dad emerges from their room, pulling his tie up to his collar. He smiles as he sees us bustling about and kisses mom on her cheek as she swingings her purse over her shoulder. I quickly butter my toast and run to the door, tailing mom as Dad moves to make himself a cup of coffee. "Bye, Dad!"

"See you later, sweetie!" He yells as I slam the door. Mom's phone rings and she answers quickly, putting her thermos on top of the car. I get to my door as she turns on her bluetooth headset ands grabs her keys, unlocking the car. I throw my stuff in the back haphazardly as she grabs her thermos and slides neatly into the driver's seat. I plop down next to her and notice that she's talking to her boss which means she won't be talking to me any time soon. I let off a puff of air and stare out the window as we drive. Evergreens pass in a cascade of lush foliage as we make our way to my school.

As Mom continues to ramble on about sales and other things, my mind begins to wander. I calm at the warm caress of the light of the dawn and watch as the clouds change hues. Suddenly, I look up and to my surprise I see something... is it a man? A bird? He has wings.

I turn to my mom but pout when I see that she is still on call with her boss. I look back, hoping to catch another glimpse of him but it's just a flock of birds. I really must be losing my mind. Lovely...

Mom pulled up by the sidewalk and I hurriedly grabbed my stuff. I run across the gigantic band parking lot and right into someone I hadn't seen loitering about. Falling over and onto my butt, I blush profusely at my clumsiness.

"Hey. You okay?" He asks, offering me a hand and a smile.

"Oh.. Yeah. I mean.. as long as no one else gets to know I was this clumsy." I say, stumbling over my words and letting him help me up.

"Well, it's a good thing I'm new here then. I don't know enough people to tell." He laughs, sliding a hand through his dark brown hair and casually leaning against the car behind him.

"Oh? Well, welcome then. We should probably be going inside now, the bell is about to ring." I say, turning to continue my sprint to the double doors leading to the athletics hall.

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