Chapter 7

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The next day Jayadev along with Devika and Sukha Rama went over to Zulhabhi's palace.

After they reached there, they were greeted by Zulhabhi and his men. Jayadev on the whole enjoyed the visit. On the other hand, Devika was still suspicious. She double checked even before sitting somewhere. As it became late evening Jayadev stated that it had been a long time and that it was time for them to leave.

At that time Zulhabhi eyed at his servant. This caught Devika's attention, but she assumed that it was to guide them towards their carriage. After they went outside, Zulhabhi and everyone else around started laughing loudly. You were brave enough to come to my area, but now you both shall never return.

Jayadev was shocked to hear this Zulhabhi had given him very good hospitality the whole day, he could not believe that somebody could be cruel enough to capture their own guests. Not able to believe himself, he sat staring for a second. On the other hand, Devika reacted more quickly, she had brought her dagger along with her. She harshly pierced Zulhabhi's right eye with it, making it a chance for her and Jayadev to escape. Sukha Rama followed them.

They ran and climbed up their carriage and told their men what had happened, they tried to move as fast as they could. On the other side Zulhabhi had lost his right eye and was now partially blind. He swore to destroy Jayadev and Devika, he could not bear to know that his enemies escaped unharmed from their area, but the idea of their associate going with them gave him a slight hope.

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