Chapter 10

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Hearing this Harish was speechless he asked "why would you go against my back I have always treated you as my friend, what made you do this." he said "I'm sorry I actually lied to you about the pendant it had not been my family's property I found it while I was going to work. Bad luck started arousing from that day while I was returning home, I fractured my arm, and due to that I was not able to participate in a race car competition I was preparing for. I knew this pendant was responsible for my ill luck. People told me throwing it away would work unless someone had worn it

I knew it was right to throw it away. The selfish and wicked part of me wanted to sell it and make money then I came to know that you were planning to buy a pendant then I was evil enough to give it to you and lie about it.

I was always interested in business and have worked for your father for a very long time. During those days you were a playful boy who I believed, had no interest in your father's business, but suddenly you seemed to change, and your father became proud of you and since you are his son, and a capable man, obviously he decided to give it to you. This disappointed me further.

The last straw was your marriage. I have always failed to confess but, I had been in love with Priya even before you have met her. After meeting you Priya grew fond of you and you began to like her too. Before I could relize you both were engaged to each other and had a grand wedding. I can't explain how jealous I felt. Soon a sense of revenge grew over me I felt like avenging myself. I wanted your happy life to end. This pendant became an opportunity for me. I am so sorry though I don't expect you to forgive me."

Harish was awestruck he could not believe that his friend had known about the ill fate the pendant would bring, but he was more shocked to know that he would give up the friendship of all these years, just for a silly revenge. Harish felt very hurt and thought it will not be safe to trust Arjun anymore and asked him to resign the manager post.

Before leaving Harish's, house Arjun threw a vase aiming at Priya, but as it approached her the speed slowed down until it stopped. Arjun went flying outside, he went sinking inside the sand as if there was a strong force pushing him. That was the end of Arjun, nothing more was seen or heard of him anymore.

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