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It had been 3 months since the ghostly events happened, and now Harish and Priya have been having a happy life. Though it was not possible for them to forget the incidents, they have tried not to get too worried about it. Harish's business continued to flourish. He appointed a new manager called Deepak. Soon to add on to their happiness, Priya comes to know that she is pregnant. This makes both Harish and Priya very happy. They share the good news with Priya's parents. They felt very happy for the couple and decided to come over for a visit and bless Harish and Priya.

The next evening Priya's parents came, they had also brought a gift for her. Her mother said it was something she had wanted for a very long time. Priya could not wait to open it. The gift was wrapped in a bright red cover. They opened it with great enthusiasm. The gift was a golden pendant studded with a couple of stones, though it was quite small in size. The pendant gave Harish and Priya a fright. It looked a lot like Devika's pendant. Priya hiding her fear said she liked it a lot. She came over her fears and wore the pendant now and then. Well, we do not know what is going to happen next, but for now Priya and Harish are living happily preparing for the birth of their child.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2020 ⏰

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