One little brother, one big bully.

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*Le pegan con la chancla*

Ow!......*sigh* I know, I know ...I deserve the chancla for I have not been updating as much as I should. Its just that I have terrible writers block on how to continue my other stories. Thankfully I even made this chapter, thanks to the amazing person who requested this!

Well, as I was saying before the chancla hit me;

This t was a request made by, drumroll please~ 🥁

@Nyachan56 !!!!!

Please enjoy!

Oh wait wait wait! I almost forgot this! Warning!! For this does have bullying, name-calling and slight bad words! So if your sensible with that or anything, I recommend you don't read this for I really do worry for you and I wouldn't want to cause anything to you (Just in case).

Now you can proceed.


It was a lovely day, children of all kind playing in the playground of the new elementary school tht had just opened recently. Now, as I mentioned before, there were children of any kind playing happily, awaiting for their parents arrival to go home. There were boys & girls, loud & quiet, energetic and calm, humans...and toons! Yep, this was no ordinary school, oh heavens no! This school is the first and only of its kind! For it was a school for both human and toon children. As of now, there were only two toons in the whole school.

Mickey Mouse and Oswald the lucky rabbit, creations and sons of Walt Disney.

The little mouse being there youngest of the two, 5 years old, going to kindergarten. And Oswald being the eldest of 8 years old, going to 1st grade of elementary. 

Oswald had just gotten out of class as stayed behind a bit as he was asking his teacher, whom was a very nice guy, something about their homework.

He went to his younger brother's class to pick him up so they could wait for their parents outside. Big was his surprise when he got there and saw no one but the teacher there. He went up to the teacher's desk to ask where his brother was.

-"oh, hello Oswald! How was your day?" The teacher asked.

-"Hi Miss Michelle, my day's been fine, thank you for asking. I hope your day's been okay." Oswald answered, manners are very important my dear lovely children.

-"It has been, just a bit of ruckus but nothing out of the ordinary, thank you for asking little one. Now what brings you here? I'm sure your parents are coming to pick you up soon." Miss Michelle inquired.

-"Well, I was meaning to ask if ya seen where my little brother has gone off to?" Oswald asked.

-"Oh, now that you mention it, he went to the restrooms. I offered to accompany him but he said he was fine to go on his own as he didn't want to interrupt my work. So I didn't press any further, but it has been more than 10 minutes since he left." She said, a bit of worry on her face. -"Hopefully he's just wandered off a bit or gone to the more farther restrooms." She said as she stood up to leave the class room. -"Oh dear, we should go look for him." She said, feeling guilty to have left the little mouse go on his own.

They decided to separate and cover more ground, so they went to different restrooms. As oseald kept going his way, he heard some talking coming from a hallway. He peeked his head from the corner...silence...then muffled talk and noises made themselves present again. He got a bit spooked as there was no one there but some lockers and the Janitor's closet. But he was curious too. So he kept going down the hallway and closer to the Janitor's closet as that was the only reasonable and non spooky explanation to the noises.

Oswald & Mickey; Brothers One-shotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant