Crossover special №1

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Hello! This, as you read the title, is a crossover special! How this works; basically it's a crossover of these two toons, (or in general i guess to put it easily, epic mickey), crossed over with another fandom. Be it shows, cartoons, videogames fandoms or of any kind. Now, this one is a crossover of;

Epic Mickey x Steven Universe!

 (in a way as it's mostly somekind of gem AU, tho it is in a way a crossover so nevermind)

Now, this request was by, drumroll please! 🥁

@Sphinxeon !

Now, to have your imagination going, in a way you could say that Walt is in roses place, Mickey in Stevens and Oswald in spinels. Now, Mickey and Oswald are spinel gems in this (Mickey's a red one and Oswald's a blue one). Pluto will be lio  in a way. There will be other cartoon characters in this, apart from goofy,Donald, Minnie and daisy;

Felix the cat. (A yellow pearl)

The cuphead brothers. (cups is a red Ruby and mugs is a blue sapphire)

Bendy the dancing demon. (A cream white amethyst)

Okay two of these are game characters but meh. Daisy and Donald are a fusion, Donald's a blue Ruby and Daisy's a purple sapphire, so they make up a garnet gemtoon and they're name's Danny. Goofy's a green pearl and Minnie's a pink rose quartz.

Only the gems are the color, not their whole form.

Now, this'll be kinda like the Steven universe movie, but not entirely, just the thing of gems and the world in danger and some other stuff, ya know?

Actually, it's more understandable once read. So, proceed to read! Hope you enjoy!

Also, the toons that are gems are gonna be referred to as gems, except for Mickey and Oswald as they'll be half gem and half toon, but Mickey was made with a different ink, (kinda like organic in a way, kinda like Stevens organic side).


How did it get to this? How did such a beautiful day turn into the worst day of his life? Well, no need crying over spilled milk....well, spilled thinner. The world didn't deserve this. Mickey felt this as his fault.....

-"all this is because of me....right?" The mouse gemtoon turned to the other spinel. The smell of thinner around them. The rabbit looked back at him with a slight scowl in a way, but it had a soft look to it as he felt hurt inside. He looked away, not wanting to see the gemtoons hurt filled face.

-" could put it like that.." the rabbit gemtoon said quietly, but loud enough for the other spinel to hear.

~hours back to that morning~

It was such a beautiful day. Humans, toons and gems alike were having such a splendid morning. Having breakfast, cozy at home, in the local park, out for a stroll, playing, chatting, having picnics. Overall, Just having a good morning. However, this story is about a mouse that was half gem, half toon.

His name was Mickey, Mickey mouse. Said gemtoon was out for a stroll, accompanied by his human parents. Walt Disney, the creator and father of the gemtoon and Lillian Disney, the mother. It was a weekend, so they were planning a swell day ahead of them, starting with a calm stroll through the park. Then they were going to the movie theater, afterwards to the ice cream parlor, ending with a fun family quality time at the beach. Certainly nothing could ruin this day, was a thought everyone shared.

That was until the sky suddenly filled with clouds, seeming like it would rain. But then a green color filled the sky in a dark way. This was such a surprising sight to see, some started to worry. Everyone kept their eyes on the sky. Mickey clung to his parents, a bit frightened and very confused with all this.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2020 ⏰

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