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"Flint almost called you my lord" Charles notices

I purse my lip "that's really none of your concern"

"Fifty points to Slytherin and Gryffindor. Slytherin for knowing when to stand against your friends, and Gryffindor for doing magic far beyond your years" Dumbledore says before he and McGonagall leave

I turn to Severus who is sitting weird

is he? oh, he is?

"You went all dominant there" Severus comments

I smile "Do you like that? Does my submissive like when I get dominant?"

his eyes glaze over with want

I laugh "I have to deal with the common room, so I'm going to let you deal with that"

I go down to the common room to see everyone surrounding the six perpetrators


"Sorry my lord" Draco say getting on his knees with Pansy, Crabbe, and Goyle

of course Thomas just continues to look down

I twist my jaw "I think it's time for you lot to see my bad side" I look at Thomas "go to your room Thomas; I will deal with you later"

he leaves in a hurry

I bring out my wand "these are spells I made. I was never going to use them, but you all seem to want to test my patience"

I point my wand at Draco "I know you were the second in this plan Crucish"

he starts writhing on the floor as I explain "You see this spell is worse then Crucio and it's untraceable. The spell burns your nerves to bits"

I stop and stare "Your lucky I'm not my father. Uncle Lucius tells me how bad he is on his followers. Daphanee please take him to bed"

I turn toward Pansy "Kink" I cast "This one kinks your blood vessels so your body doesn't run right"

when I stop I say "Maleficent could you take her"

I turn to the two idiots "How did Thomas, Draco, and Pansy get you two wrapped up in this?"

"Draco told us he would do our potions homework for two weeks" Crabbe tells

Goyle just nods

I nod slowly "I'm letting you two off right now because your idiots"

"thank you my lord" they both mutter going to their dormitory

I turn towards the rest of the room "my brother is to not talk to Daphanee, Draco is to have no contact with Blaise or potions, Pansy is to not talk to men or have makeup, and as for the idiots they are to have no dessert"

everyone nods dispersing

afterword's I walk into Severus room

he doesn't say anything just holds me


Pettigrew apparently got into the Gryffindor common room

all the Gryffindor's think he got the password from Neville, but Neville says he didn't have a list of passwords

it was Hogsmeade again

except this time most of my friends couldn't go

Thank Merlin

I was walking Severus to his room when we saw Neville and Charles

"What are you two doing?" I ask

"Odd place to meet" Sev comments causing me to smile

"Nev, have you done the essay for Defense" I ask

"No" he tells

"Meet me in the library. I have to drop Severus off, but then we can do it together" I instruct


weeks later I get a later from uncle Lucius bird

Dear Hadrian,
The hippogriff has been sentenced to death. I will be grounding Draconis when he gets home. Thank you for informing me.
Your uncle and godfather,
Lucius Malfoy

I know what I have to do

I grab Sirius IV and Blade to go outside

I hear Hagrid crying


I see the golden idiots come around the corner

"have you heard?" Sirius asks them "Hadrian told us who got told from Lord Malfoy"

"Have you ever heard something so pathetic" I sneer

"He's suppose to be our teacher" Blade adds

Granger tries to slap me, but I catch her hand

"Looks like you have to bleach your hand" Sirius comments

dammit "A mudblood doing something the muggle way; why doesn't that surprise me? A disgrace to the wizarding world. I would warn you not to touch me. Although I do not like hitting women I will"

she tries to curse me with her wand

I deflect it

"I'm not going to fight you Granger" I yawn

we go to the common room


the Slytherin vs. Gryffindor quidditch match is tomorrow

everyone keeps cursing everyone from each side

know one has touched Fred, George, and I though

Flint is making us go to bed and its only 8P.M.

its not morning and we are on the pitch

"Here comes the Gryffindor's! Charles Potter, Alicia Johnson, Angela Spinnet, Harry Potter, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, and Oliver Wood" Lee Jordan announces

we march out

"The Slytherin team. Hadrian Riddle, Marcus Flint, Tiberius Carrow, Kashus Gamp, Sirius Black, Piers Polkie, and Blaise Zabini"

Flint looks at me before approaching the Gryffindor's "Catch the snitch fast because they have to be fifty points ahead of us to win"

"of course Marcus" I say

the game starts

"They Slytherin are in possession. Carrow has it first then Gamp who shoots a trick shot a scores. Angela has it stolen by Flint who again scores. 20-0 Slytherin" Jordan says

I drown him out

Charles and I both spot the snitch at the same time

he's trying to knock me off, so I jump off my broom catching the snitch

then I start falling

think dumbass think

I whip my wand out and make the ground a giant bouncy castle

"Oh Merlin, Riddle is alvei and they won" Lee says

my team races to me and lifts me in the air

I go over to the Gryffindor's and stick my hand out towards Charles "Good game"

"And there is my little brother" Charles laughs taking my hand

all the other Gryffindorks looked stunned

I roll my eyes "This is why this doesn't happen often"


the next day was exams and I knew I already passed

I'm not the smartest wizard of my generation for anything

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