Waking Up

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My bed has never felt more comfortable. Well, it's my bed now. I normally try not think about the fact that this bed was once used by my childhood friend's parents.

The digital clock on my nightstand glows a harsh red, so I turn away from it. I close my eyes, but now 7:18 is burned upon my retinas. I normally turn the clock so that it faces away from me, but Kotomi seems to enjoy turning it back towards me while I'm asleep.

"Tomoya-kun," Kotomi's voice is soft as she whispers, her warm breath tickling my ear.

"I'm sleeping," my voice comes out somewhat cold, but I'm too tired to care.

"Tomoya-kun," Kotomi repeats herself, "Tomoya-kun, Tomoya-kun!"

Without opening my eyes, I maneuver my arm out of the sheets, reaching up to flop my hand on top of Kotomi's head. She stops and I let my hand slide off her head and fall back upon the bed before falling back to sleep.

The fire is bright. Tongues of orange flicker all around me. Kotomi is crying behind me as large figures try to reason with her. I stand between them, yelling. I can't hear my own words over the roaring flames. All I can hear is Kotomi's young, innocent voice crying out to me.

"Tomoya-kun! Tomoya-kun!"

Sunlight shines hot on my face.

"Tomoya-kun, Tomoya-kun," Kotomi, the fully-automated alarm clock, has resumed her attempts to wake me up.


"Tomoya-kun," Kotomi ignores my voice command.

Well, I'm awake now. I sit up and look at Kotomi, who is still kneeling beside my bed. Her expression is vacant for a moment, and her expression soon transitions to worry as she lifts her gaze to my face.

"Tomoya-kun, did you have a bad dream?" Kotomi inquires softly as she rises, bringing her hand to my face. There are tears on my cheeks.

"Hm? Oh, uh, I guess..." I mutter. I can barely remember the dream now.

"Tomoya-kun," Kotomi wraps her arms around me, "It's okay. You're awake now."

"Yeah," my response is half-hearted. Whatever that dream was, it left me quite tired.

"Breakfast is ready, if you wanted it."


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