Chapter - 3

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One Year Later

"All rise!  State of Michigan 22nd Circuit Court is now in sessions.  Honorable Darcy Pragowski presiding. "

I stood at attention doing my job, eyes straight ahead, keeping it strictly professional.  Despite her piercing stare, as best I could I refrained from making eye contact.  This is the way I'd dealt with her since we'd separated.  Though at times the tension between us was immense, I wasn't about to allow her the satisfaction of seeing me transfer.

I could care less if it was her courtroom.

"People-v-Cecil Stanton," I sounded, preparing myself for yet another day of deliberations.

An attorney in a brown, wool blazer, wire-frame glasses and oversized waistline came forward.  "Andrew Holloway appearing on behalf of Mr. Stanton, Your Honor."   From the opposite side of the room, a young African-American male in a gray Detroit Lions hoodie, jeans, gym shoes and braided hair strolled.  Both met at the podium.  The moment I saw how the defendant was dressed I began to prepare for the inevitable.

Darcy gleamed down at Mr. Holloway and shook her head.  "Must we again, Counselor?"

The attorney mimicked the judge's reaction. "It would appear so, Your Honor."

"Well, sir, could you please explain why your client has come before the Court looking as if he was headed to a Tupac concert?"

Mr. Holloway took off his glasses and glanced to the defendant.  "Your Honor, Mr. Stanton is a third shift employee who has just worked a twelve hour shift and didn't have time to go home and change."

"And where does Mr. Stanton work, Counselor."

The casually dressed man leaned towards the attorney.  "Extang Fabrications, Your Honor.  Mr. Stanton has been an employee with that particular company for quite some time now."

Judge Pragowski peered directly at the defendant.  "How long, Mr. Stanton?"

"Huh?  Excuse me, how long what?"

Mr. Holloway placed his glasses back on and motioned towards his client.

"Counselor," the Judge began.  "I would advise you not to say anything during the Court's inquisition of the defendant. "

For a brief moment Mr. Holloway paused.  "Of course, Your Honor, of course."

"Now, Mr. Stanton, shall we try this again.  Please, sir, enlighten the Court as to how long you've held employment with Extang Fabrications."

"I don't know, two, three months."

Darcy brandished a smile, looked to Mr. Holloway and then began flipping through the file before her.  "And what is the telephone number there, Mr. Stanton?"

The defendant shot a look of bewilderment to his attorney and then back to the judge.  "Uhm, I don't know.  Haven't had to use it before."

Darcy, closed the file and tossed it aside.  "Ms. McNickles."

Cassidy McNickles, the court clerk and stenographer, answered.  "Yes, Your Honor."

"Could you please google Extang Fabrications and get someone from human resources on the phone?"

"Sure, Your Honor.  Right away."

"Judge," Mr. Holloway began, "I strongly object to—"

"To what, Counselor?" Darcy interrupted.  "To the Court checking into the defendant's claim of employment, or my perplexity as it relates to your client having no respect for my courtroom?  Both of which you can trust you'll have the opportunity to state your objections to in due time, sir."

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