A Cinderella Story

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You would always watch him from the corner of your eye whenever he came in to pick up his order. He never stayed in to eat, he always took the food with him. A burger, chili fries and a horchata. You thought it was an interesting combination of food and drink, and secretly wondered if it was some kind of hangover dish for him. Or after-sex? You tried shaking the latter thought away by concentrating on sorting the cutlery, yet it remained in a part of your mind.

At the same time as thinking about how handsome he was and imagining him without a shirt on, you would not get out a single word when he was around. You completely lapsed into a hopeless silence. Luckily, you didn't have to take his order yet, because miraculously you always had something to do in the back when he showed up.

After work, you had to go past his house, the front garden packed with Santos, and every time you wished you could master the courage to just attend one of those parties.

Saturday night the latest Santos party was so crowded and noisy you could hear the blasting music in your bedroom with the windows closed. Your favourite drink in hand, slowly getting comfortably tipsy, you mentally scanned your closet for an outfit to wear IF you finally were brave enough to just go and have a good time. You'd probably go with high waist, curve-hugging jeans and a tight top to show off your figure, with either heels or sneakers- you weren't sure.

Having a nice outfit in mind, you suddenly stood up and looked at yourself in the floor length mirror, saying loudly and clearly,

"You can do this!"

Drowning your drink and not wasting another single thought, you got dressed until you wore the exact outfit you had been imagining, and strutted down the street towards Oscar's house.

You had to admit, you were a little overwhelmed once you stood in front of the Santos residence. You didn't know one single person here, what on earth were you thinking? Shaking your head, you turned on your heel, ready to head back, when you heard a familiar voice behind you.

"Hey Mami, where you going?"

He couldn't possibly mean you. He just couldn't. There was no chance.

Slowly, you turned around, trying your best not to make a fool out of yourself. Oscar Diaz was looking directly at you, taking a deep drag of his cigarette with one corner of his mouth pulled upwards.

"You wouldn't want to miss this party, would you?"

And this was were the night of your life began.

Oscar seemed genuinely interested in you, your work, family background, life goals- and during beers and tequila shots you forgot asking yourself if this was all just a dream. You sat together on a worn-out sofa, chatting for what seemed to be hours. At first you had been tensed, awkward, uncomfortable, but now, it felt like you had known him for ages.

What happened next didn't go as planned. Everything went dark and silent from one second to the next. The power was out.

You gasped, automatically clinging onto Oscar right next to you.

"Don't worry, Ma," he whispered dangerously close to your neck, "I'll go and turn the switch back on."

In a flash of a moment you were afraid he would leave and never come back. So you stood up after him, grabbing whatever was in reach, turning out to be his arm, "I'll come."

He chuckled lowly and managed to take your small hand in his, leading you through the corridor, knocking into a few people on your way. Using his phone, Oscar managed to switch the electricity back on. Everyone was cheering and the music continued.

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