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You could barely keep your eyes open as you were sat on the bus coming home from work. You have had to work overtime again, missing to join Oscar and his friends on the funfair. What would have given to just drink a beer with him, letting him buy you popcorn or candy? Your thoughts drifted off and you nearly missed your stop, shouting at the bus driver and asking him to stop last minute.

Limply, as fast as your tired legs would allow it, you walked down the street towards yours and Oscar's house, wondering if he would still be up. He'd probably be waiting for you, a cold beverage and a massage ready.

Approaching the building, you already saw his car parked in the driveway and your heart skipped a beat. He was home. Next thing you saw was your boyfriend speaking to Monse, one of the youngsters. Oscar looked handsome as ever, you thought, and quickened your walking speed a little.

All of a sudden, totally unexpected, Monse was up on her toes and pressed her lips against Oscar's. You stopped like a deer caught in the headlights, your felt light-headed as all the blood sank to your feet. You couldn't believe he was making out with a child right in front of the house, for everyone on display.

The keys in your hand dropped to the floor, making a cluttering noise. Monse and Oscar looked straight at you, surprised, caught red handed.

"Shit," Oscar muttered, gently shoving Monse away, "Mami, it's not what you think it is!"

The blood was quickly being pumped back into the rest of your body as you clenched your fists in fury. Tears were dwelling up in the corners of your eyes, blurring your vision. Turning on your heels, you only heard muffled voices and calls behind you.

You didn't get very far because Oscar's strong hand wrapped around your wrist, stopping you. He tried turning you to face him, but you weren't having any of it. Forcefully, you pulled your arm out of his grip and continued walking.

"Wait, please!" Oscar yelled, and you heard his footsteps getting closer, "she just kissed me, it was damn inappropriate! I was just about to push her away, I promise!"

You stopped and eventually turned around to see Oscar's pleading face.

"But you must've given her some sort of signal, otherwise she wouldn't have done it!" You snapped, crossing your arms in front of your chest.

"Nah, Mami, I was just being nice. She misunderstood. I would never have kissed her. I love you!"

He carefully came a few steps closer and you stayed put, sighing deeply.

"You sure?"

"Of course I'm sure. I would do nothing to hurt you, Ma."

He had now reached you and wrapped his arms around your frame. You let it happen, realising it was the only thing you had been craving for the whole day.

"Sorry, I didn't want to overreact," you muttered into Oscar's shoulder. He stroked soothing circles over your back and pulled away to look at you.

"It's fine, it's kinda the normal reaction when you see your man being kissed by someone else, eh?"

He smiled, wiping any leftover tears away from your cheeks.

You nodded in response, smiling, before sinking back into his arms.

"Come on, let's have a late night snack. I made fish tacos earlier."

Hand in hand, you slowly strolled back to your house, discovering that Monse, and also Jasmine who had been in the car, were long gone.

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