A bad meeting

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Foxys pov

As I walked out of the curtains I was blinded by a bright light, my left eye, the one without the eye patch, slowly adjusted to this sensation and accepted the light. I had lost my right eye a few hours after the incident, Freddy and Bonnie had attacked me, i didn't blame them though but I still begged for them to stop, they didn't, they were so ruthless that I had to go to the hospital, after crawling away, I had only managed to make it one block out of the pizzeria before blacking out only to wake up with a beeping next to me from the heart rate monitor, signalling that I was in hospital, when I had rested a bit more a doctor came in and informed me of my injuries stating that they had had to remove my right eye because of built up pressure or something, my right hand as the bone had managed to be broken so badly that it had acted like a knife and severed the skin, I had multiple lacerations to my head that involved a concussion, stitches and in the case of my left ear a skin graft, I was also told that I had three broken ribs, a punctured lung meaning that after the operation there was damage to my chest and sever scratches on my legs from where I had dragged my self out of the pizzeria. I was in the hospital for a month and a half with only a few visitors, the police came to ask me if I knew who did it to which I responded that I couldn't remember (I could, I just decided that I deserved this), golden Freddy also came by with our boss William Afton, he was a nice guy, neither of them blamed me for what had happened as they had seen the security footage and could tell that the kid was at fault, he did inform me though that he could see who had attacked me and asked if I wanted to dob Freddy and Bonnie in, I said no and thanked them for visiting but let them go back to the pizzeria. The last people to visit was a group of school kids who remembered me from the pizzeria, they came on a sort of school trip with there teacher and gave me some sweets and a get well soon card form all of them, it was probably one of the happiest moments of my life if I'm to be honest, it made me feel loved, like how my parents had loved me before they..... before they.... went away. Shaking these thoughts out of my head I snapped back to the present and took a look at the hook on my hand, I sighed and headed to the kitchen

I exited the curtains and made my way there, as I entered I saw three figures sat around a table. Freddy was simply staring at me with murderous intent, Bonnie simply looked bored, the final figure was a yellow haired girl sat with her head down on the table facing with her back to me. I took a seat beside Chica (the yellow haired girl), facing Freddy who was now making direct eye contact with me, his eyebrows in an almost V shape with his right eye twitching, I could feel another set of eyes on me as well but I chose to keep my eyes down at the table, not daring to meet there gaze. Suddenly a loud pop was heard right beside me, I yelped and nearly fell off my chair with chica next to me bolting up right as the sound echoed through the room,

"for God's sake Goldie do you have to do that" I exclaimed, next to me where there had been thin air stood a man with golden hair, the figure chuckled lightly,

"sorry fox boy, know your a bit skittish" he grinned halfway between caring and being sarcastic, his name was golden Freddy, he was the only one here that was actually nice to me nowadays, after the incident no one had really said a nice word to me, Chica tried to be nice but she failed horribly as she was still fuming, it had been two and a half months but she still hated me.

"Okay, now that everybody's here let's take a seat" huffed Freddy, still glaring daggers at me, "we all know why we're here"

"no why don't you enlighten us" joked Bonnie

"well since someone's stupid actions *cough* Foxy *cough* we have to try and rebuild this place from the bottom up, we're going to be moving out of this restaurant to Florida to try and restart, once we get there we are to meet the other versions of us from that branch of Freddy Fazbears, we will help them out and do what they ask as we are guests, or should I say you will as I will be co-manager with my counterpart toy Freddy" he spoke with a hint of anger and pride throughout that statement, I was excited as I may actually be able to restart, have a new life, new friends, a family.

We all heard the beep of the U-haul outside and went to get our things, William had rented some workers to move the tables, chairs, lights etc. We just had to move our personal stuff like beds, clothes and furniture. The U-haul was for our stuff so we got to work, Goldy as Golden Freddy usually went by helped me out as I may be strong and independent but not even I could move a bed by myself, as we stepped into my room Goldy let out a small gasp, he had obviously seen the blood. "Don't worry it's old" I stated "the blood on the floor is just from where I got up this morning and tried to stop my alarm and broke a lamp instead, I'm clumsy or have you forgotten". Goldy obviously didn't believe me but went with it, I knew that he wasn't gasping about a little puddle on the floor though, he had seen my walls, plastered with dry blood from where I was attacked, I never bothered to clean it up as I wanted it to remind me of what I had done.

Thanks all for reading this, sorry if it got to dark at times, don't worry fangle's on it's way, probably around chapter 4, or at least that's when I plan to introduce some other characters 😂😋😝🥳🤩

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