Suggestion 1

930 22 3


Sorry for now updating in a while, I haven't really had any motivation lately, but I'll try to update more, but not for sure. Anyways on with the story

Sam: *turns on wii*
Eteled: "Hey sam!"
Sam: "Hi Eteled. Where are the others?"
Austin: "I'm here and Red is somewhere in the Wii"
Sam: "Oh"
Eteled: "Yeah"
*There was a moment of silence*
Sam: *looks at clock* "I should probably get ready for school"
Eteled: "Alright, See ya after school"
Sam: "See ya" *Turns off the Wii*
Austin: "Welp, What do you wanna do?"
Eteled: "Dunno"
*After sam gets back from school*
Sam: *turns on the Wii And TV to see Austin and Eteled actually getting along*
Eteled: *looks at Sam* "Hey Sam"
Sam: "What are you two planing?"
Austin: "We're not planning anything"
Sam: "You have to be"
Austin: "We're Not"
Sam: *tries to process what's happening*
Eteled: "..."
Austin: "..."
Sam: "..."
Sam: "Uhh alright than"
*Austin and Eteled look each other than back at Sam*
Sam: *turns off the Wii And plops onto the bed, looking at the ceiling*

Sry it's short for that time period I wasn't updating. Hope you all have a good day/Night. And stay safe

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