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No ones pov:

Namjoon and taehyung are in taehyungs room sleeping and Jin is downstairs making brunch. He's scared when namjoon ignores him he knows he pissed him off or did something wrong. He's also scared because he doesn't know if the baby inside of him is namjoons or jungkook. Everyone is on their rooms and namjoon goes to his office so he can print some divorce papers. Once he has them I hand he makes his way downstairs to jin and sets them in front of him. Jin looks up with wide eyes as Namjoon just placed divorce papers on the table. "Joonie what is this" Jin asks with fear in his voice. Namjoon just ignores him and signs the papers sliding them to jin with a pen near the papers. "Sign them" namjoon says with no emotion what so ever. Jin just looks at the papers then back to namjoon. "Why" Jin ask as tears roll down his cheeks. "Why joonie what happened why" jin shouts as he throws the papers on the floor. "Sign them seokjin you should've thought about this before you cheated on me" namjoon yells using his alpha voice. Jins breath hitches at the words that came out of namjoons mouth. "Yeah seokjin I know what you did with jungkook, I know when and where you did it too, why me seokjin I loved you and you do this to not just me it also Taehyung just sign the papers" namjoon says breaking down. "Joonie it wasn't what it looked like let me explain myself" Jin says trying to grab namjoons shoulder but gets his hand smacked away. "Don't call me that and what's there to explain that you love jungkooks dick in you is that why when we had sex you didn't moan as loud like you normally do because jungkook is better than me" he says with hatred in his voice going noticed by jin. "Please hear me out" jin says as he can't control his sobs anymore. "No seokjin just please sign the papers" namjoon says walking out. He goes to taehyungs room. He knows taehyung heard everything probably not just taehyung they were yelling very loud so probably everyone in the house. He stops outside taehyungs door and listens. "Is it true kookie" taehyung says while looking down. "Yeah" jungkook admits turning around and looking down because he doesn't deserve to look taehyung in the eyes. "Why" taehyung asks as a few tears leave his eyes. "What about eunwoo" he says caressing his sons cheeks. "Jungkook I don't want you to leave eunwoo so stay but you're going to stay in a different room" taehyung says while wiping his tears. Jungkook nods and gets his stuff so he can go to a different room. Once jungkook leave the room namjoon enters and hugs taehyung and eunwoo. "We will get through this ok" he says wiping taehyungs tears. "Can I sleep in your room I don't know if they did anything in here but I don't want to sleep i here" taehyung says standing up with eunwoo in his arms. They go to namjoons room with eunwoo. Namjoon goes downstairs to tell jin he can stay but in his own room. (The pink room I'll show y'all if you forgot) taehyung feeds eunwoo and puts him to bed.

//authors note//
What now

//authors note// What now

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Namjoons room^

Namjoons room^

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Jins room^

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