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We finally made it to the ice cream shop. Jack looked all excited.

Jack: I invited a couple close friends of mine that I think you'd get along with.

We enter the ice cream shop and sit down at a table.

Jack: they should be here any minute.

Then all of the sudden a red car drives into the ice cream shops parking lot blasting rap music. That has to be them. I then see a tall boy with dark curly hair, a girl with short brown hair, a girl with long brown hair, and another girl with long brown hair. Wow he didn't tell me all his friends were this pretty. 

y/n: are they your friends?

Jack: oh yep, that's them!

y/n: why are they all gorgeous i-

The tall boy with curly hair opened the door and let all the girls pass by. Two of the girls instantly hugged me.

girl with long, brown hair: hi, i'm millie and this is sophia. and that over there is emmy.

She points to the girl beside them that's all over Jack, assuming that's his girlfriend. The girl glances at me and rolls her eyes. 

boy with dark curly hair: and uhh i'm Finn, it's a pleasure meeting you. Jack has always told us good things about you.

y/n: well that's good to hear!

Jack: so uhh what flavor does everyone want? it's on me!

Everyone starts blurting out random flavors. Emmy taps on Jack and whispers something into his ear. The smile on his face begins to fade then he mouths something back but I can't quite make out what was said. He continues to walk over to the cashier and begins ordering everyone their ice cream. 

Millie: so y/n are you excited about starting school monday?

y/n: i mean honestly i'm not the social type of girl, so not really.

Millie: ah, i see. but i mean who's excited to go to school anyways?

she giggles.

Sophia: dude, you totally strike me as a social butterfly. you're really gorgeous by the way.

y/n: thank you, so are y'all.

Something about Jack's girlfriend was giving me bad vibes. I was trying to brush off the feeling by talking to Sophia and Millie. Jack then came over to the table and started handing everyone their ice cream. He pulled up a chair next to me. 

Jack: are y'all being nice to y/n? has Finn said anything stupid yet?

Finn: shut up, fred savage.

Jack: ok, miles teller.

y/n: no, your friends are just lovely.

Millie and Sophia smiled.

Millie: where's Emmy?

Jack: in the bathroom, she said she wanted to go touch up her blush. 

Emmy suddenly comes rushing out of the bathroom, she rolls her eyes at me again. Seriously, what's her problem. I glared back at her, she jumps in Jack's lap and starts making out with him.

Finn: dude, GET A ROOM!

Finn says quite obviously annoyed. They stopped making out and Jack chuckled. Everyone continued to eat their ice cream. There was an awkward silence until it was almost time to leave.

Sophia: so y/n do you have snap?

y/n: oh yeah, i do.

Millie, Sophia, and Finn added me on snap. 

Finn: it was nice meeting you, we should probably get going though, you know how moms be.

y/n: indeed, yeah same here it's almost 8.

We all walked out of the ice cream shop.

Emmy: Jackie pooh, can you give me a ride home?

ugh, she's acting like she didn't just come in Finn's car. And who calls someone Jackie pooh? 

Jack: yeah, y/n can you sit in the back Emmy wants to sit beside me.

y/n: yeah , sure.

Jack: okay, thanks.

ok, so my predictions were wrong. something between us did change. Jack was so sweet but his girfriend was rude, or maybe she wasn't good at making first impressions. I just wanted to go home and sleep. It had been a long day and I started my first day of school tomorrow. Jack dropped me off at home first

y/n: thanks for the ride

I shouted as he was driving off.

Jack: any time!

He shouted back.

I went inside and got ready for bed. I so wasn't ready for tomorrow.

𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓼// 𝓳𝓪𝓬𝓴 𝓭𝔂𝓵𝓪𝓷 𝓰𝓻𝓪𝔃𝓮𝓻Where stories live. Discover now