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ugh, I woke up to the cool breeze hitting my face. I was already dreading this day. I turned off my alarm. I woke up to a bunch of snap notifications, I guess I passed out early because some were from hours ago. I decided to ignore the notifications for a bit longer and start to get ready. I rolled out of bed and got dressed into this.

y/n's oufit:

I tried to keep my outfit simple but cute

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I tried to keep my outfit simple but cute. I wasn't tryna show out too much on my first day. After I finished getting dressed I headed downstairs so I could eat some breakfast. After I ate, I checked my snap notifs.

finnwolfhard, milliebobbybrown, and sophialillis added you as a friend!

jack🧸 is typing...

from jack🧸

jack🧸: need a ride?

y/n: sure

jack🧸: mkay, be there in 10!

I waited on my driveway for Jack to arrive. Finally , a black car pulls up in the driveway blasting music ( the song above). 

I hop in the passesngers seat. Jack stares at me for a split second.

y/n: what?

Jack: nothing, you excited for your first day? you get to hang out with me and all the other peeps. some you haven't even met yet.

y/n: eh, i guess it won't be too bad. you have chill friends.

I wanted to tell him that I wasn't too fond of his girlfriend but I decided not to. We just vibed in the car until we pulled up to the school parking lot. 

Jack: you ready?

Jack said while patting me on the back, I chuckled nervously as I stepped out of the car. I felt like everyone was staring at me as I stepped onto the concrete and entered the school. Jack was standing beside me, he was leaning on me with his arm on my shoulder. 

Jack: i'm gonna introduce you to the rest of my friend group and then i've gotta got find Emmy ok?

y/n: ok.

Jack started leading me towards the back of the school and I saw Finn. He waved me and Jack over to the group.

y/n: you didn't tell me your group was this big!

I saw a giant group of kids laughing and shoving eachother. 

Jack: okay let me introduce you to the group

He started saying names and pointing.

Jack: okay that's Wyatt, Chosen, Jeremy, Noah, Caleb, Sadie, Gaten, Lizzy. and yeahhh.

y/n: yeah, i'm not gonna remember all that.

Jack: just try and get to know everyone, i already told them about you so you're chill. 

Finn: i'll help her out, go find Emmy.

Jack: okay thanks Finnlard


Finn playfully shoves Jack and Jack walks off to search for Emmy.

Finn: do you have your schedule?

y/n: yeah, i do.

I say pulling my schedule out of my back pocket. Finn quickly examined my schedule.

Finn: ah cool, we have bio and english together.

y/n: nice.

The school bell then rings.

Finn: well that's the cue, unless you want me to stick around to help you find your classes, i don't mind being late.

y/n: well this is a pretty big school so if you could help me find my way that'd be awesome. 

Finn guided me to all my classes and once I was pretty sure I'd gotten the hang of it Finn rushed to his first period class. I had first period math, I hated math and I sucked at it too. I walked into the classroom and ugh, the first person I lay eyes on is Emmy. But then I see Sophia, Millie, and Gaten. This class won't be too bad , I think to myself. Millie waved me over to their table and I sat in the only empty seat left. Emmy was sitting towards the back and she was all over some guy who sure as hell wasn't Jack. 

Millie: oh, you see it to?

y/n: see what?

Millie: how Emmy just walks all over Jack, she's always flirting with other guys. i just don't have the heart to tell him and besides even if i did he wouldn't believe me. Emmy's got him wrapped around her finger.

I glared at them in disgust.

y/n: i feel bad for Jack , he deserves better.

Gaten: he does.

Sophia: yeah, i don't know what he sees in her.

We talked about this for the majority of the period, I felt like I should tell Jack again but then again I didn't really have the guts either. I tried to stop thinking about it. I guess I was daydreaming because the bell rang and I had no idea. Millie snapped in my face and then reality kicked in. Next I had bio with Finn. I headed off to that class

𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓼// 𝓳𝓪𝓬𝓴 𝓭𝔂𝓵𝓪𝓷 𝓰𝓻𝓪𝔃𝓮𝓻Where stories live. Discover now