Part III

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Brenden has been looking everywhere for Tommy while you tried your best to help

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Brenden has been looking everywhere for Tommy while you tried your best to help. When Brenden finally spotted him he asked you to hang back. You of course obliged. As you let your eyes roam your surroundings, you spotted me not to far off seemingly walking towards Tommy. You walked over to me. "What are You, up too?" You asked "Why do you have to assume I'm up to something? I'm not the same person I was." S "you're obviously doing something Jax." J "No... you don't get to do that." S "What?" J " you lost the right to call my that when you abandoned me." S " I didn't abandon you... I'm sorry if I didn't want to fade into the background. I'm sorry if I wanted to be someone. J "'s that working out for you Sadie?......You were all I had and you left me.. You left me for temporary popularity. I had nothing after you were gone." S " Are you kidding?! You left me! You pushed me away just like you always did. Like you always do! And that's why you don't have anyone!" J " You're right... you are Absolutely right... but can go around acting all high and mighty if you want but remember... I was your best friend. I see right through your bullshit and I can see that you're still that scared little girl."

"And yet

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"And yet... I still missed you Sadie... I guess part of me always will." I turned and started walking away
"Jax! Jacqueline!" I ignore you and keep walking.

You notice Brenden was now standing on the beach alone. You rush over to him with tear filled eyes. Before he can get a word out you hug him. "Are you okay?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around you you sniffed "are you?" You ask in return "" you both take a seat and you tell him the story of our friendship. You never wanted this, and truthfully you wanted your best friend back. The two of you walked down the street back to the hotel when suddenly Brenden stopped. "Is everything okay?" You ask in a concerned voice "look... I feel like I should say this, considering I told my estranged brother. I should probably tell you too." Not knowing what he was going to say made you nervous to say the least. "I Love you..." a huge smile spread across your face and you pulled him into a kiss.

You pulled back for a moment "I love you too" you sighed and kissed him again "Ha! I finally got to make the first move! Suck it!" You both laughed

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You pulled back for a moment "I love you too" you sighed and kissed him again "Ha! I finally got to make the first move! Suck it!" You both laughed. "But I said that I loved you, so doesn't that mean I made the first move?" "Shut up, don't ruin the moment." You laughed

I was upset to say the least. I was angry, probably more at myself than you. Angry that I let this happen. I'd always been a strong willed and stubborn and yet, I gave up on you so easily...But you gave up on me too. 'I guess our friendship wasn't a strong as I thought.' You were right though... I do push everyone away.

"Hey" A voice snapped me out of my thoughts. When I turned around I saw that it was Tommy. "Hi" I said barley above a whisper. T "What are you doing out here? It's not safe." J "You, know that I can handle myself, Tommy." T "I know...but there's still a risk. I don't need you getting yourself hurt." J "What's it to you?" T "......Why are you out here Jack?" I" I-uh... I guess I was looking for you." T "Why?" J "Because, Tommy... you're alone... you're always alone. It's not healthy." T "What makes you any different from me? Last I checked you have no one." T " Maybe so, but I want you to know.... have me."

T "I don't need you Jack" J " You need someone Tommy! And you can push me away all you want but I'm not leaving! I understand you

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T "I don't need you Jack" J " You need someone Tommy! And you can push me away all you want but I'm not leaving! I understand you... I know what you're going through." T "What makes you think that you know me so well -huh?"  J "Tommy, the difference between you and me is I'm not using my mothers maiden name to evade arrest for desertion." T "How did you know that?" J "Do I have to spell it out for you, Tommy Boy? I care about you, you idiot!......I-''' before I could speak again he pulled me into a kiss. It was rough but gentle at the same time. I wrapped my arms around his neck and just melted into it. We went back to my hotel room and stayed up all night talking. I can't remember the last time I had such a genuine conversation.

When I woke up my head was on the arm of the couch and my legs were hanging off. Tommy's head was on my stomach he was fast asleep. I'd never seen him look so peaceful.

"Oh crap"

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"Oh crap"

Keep in mind.... I have not edited these

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