Part V

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Frank walks over to Brenden "let's go, move your head ready?" Brenden only nods  his head. "Look at can do this."  Brenden just nods again "I wanna hear you say it." Brenden looks up and in a whisper he says "I can do this." "Then let's go do this." "Yeah"  they fist bump before walking out.

"AJ Riley only had 48-hours, less than 48-hours to fill the spot

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"AJ Riley only had 48-hours, less than 48-hours to fill the spot. And-uh basically, he had to go on the road to Frank Campana." "Well, then he chose Brenden Conlon, which is really something I don't understand. I-I just...I'm shocked."

Brenden walked out into the entrance of the isle and prepared to walk to the cage. "Hey, Brenden. Brenden, go get him." Paddy stood on the right side of one of the crowds cheering him on. Brenden only looked at him and then the ground.  "You go get him, Son!" Paddy called as he began walking.

"You know, I can understand coming out to no music, but why in the world would you choose classical music as your entrance? "This is Beethoven. This is Ode To Joy, Brian." "My apologies, Mr. Renaissance man."

"Go get him, Son"

"If you want to talk about about Renaissance men, you gotta talk about Frank Campana. Very unorthodox trainer, but one of the best trainers in the game, and he's well know for using classical music to teach his fighters to remain calm, to remain patient, and to remain composed under pressure." "You know what, I'll tell you, Classical music is as about as fitting to this setting, as Brenden Conlon is to this tournament." "Oh, come on" "In fact, let me show you. Right here. You see that?" "What?" Brian pulled out a goldfish in a bag "ahh"  "That right there...that is Brenden Conlon. Okay? Brenden Conlon, is about to be dropped into a shark tank. He's a feeder fish." "Aw, come on, give the guy a break. You've got, you know, the guy... at least we've seen him fight. I mean, he's fought real guys. He's been in the UFC. We remember him from that." "I remember him, too. I remember him being very unmemorable."
"Midnight Le getting ready to climb into the cage and go to work." "When the brackets were announced, he thought he'd be going up against Marco Santos. He's got to be thrilled to be seeing Brenden Conlon across from him."

Frank stood leaning over the top of the cage. "Hey! You asked for it." Frank smiled jokingly to lighten the mood.

"Brenden retired from fighting some years ago. He's actually a High school physics teacher now, and Midnight had some fun with that at the press conference yesterday. "Well, he said he was going to give the teacher a serious lesson, and that getting killed was no way to spend a summer vacation. Midnight is know for talking trash, he's also known for backing it up. "No question, Brian. He's in a lot of trouble here. Midnight Le, is an agent of destruction."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2020 ⏰

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