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A/N: I'm sorry that last chapter was a bit... gruesome, huh? This chapter is Elliott's POV, who's excited? Please vote and continue reading, babies. 💋



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Quivering; trembling.

  "Calm down, Elliott-"

  "Calm down!? Are you seriously trying to tell me to calm down when I just found out last night that the love of my life is missing and no one knows where the fuck she is?! Calm down!?" I laughed like a maniac as Daniela placed her hand on my back, still trying to get me to chill. But I can't. I texted her phone but the messages won't go through, I tried calling but it's not in service. The same thing happens whenever Elise tries and when everyone else tries. I can't track her number since she no longer owns a phone and I've already tried tracking her credit cards but they've been shut off.

I conjoined my hands on the back of my head as I paced up and down the hallway, laughing like a fucking psycho.

   "You're scaring Scout, Elliott, knock it off," Skye warned me and I glared at her. She gave me the same hard glance as Scout bawled her eyes out in her wife's chest. I know I'm being insensitive to everyone else's feelings about this, but I don't care right now. All I care about is the fact that I thought this whole time that she was shacking up with Salvatore in New York when in reality, she fell off the face of the fucking planet. I suddenly got an idea and walked towards the front door, grabbing my keys off of the hook.

  "Where are you going?" Ryan asked nervously and without looking back I replied, "Checking up on a lead."

"I'm coming with you," I heard Oliver say emotionlessly and I nodded as I walked out of the door, him trailing hot on my heels and Elise behind him. I unlocked the car and slid into the driver's seat as Oli slid into the passenger seat, Elise behind him. She buckled in and I would've laughed if it weren't for the stressful situation I was currently placed in. As I pulled out of the parking lot and drove to my destination, thousands of questions and scenarios flooded my head.

   Is she okay? Who is she with? Where is she? Why didn't she tell me where she was going? Is she hurt? Is she in danger? Am I going to fuck someone up if they hurt a hair on her head? Abso-fucking-lutely. I'll murder someone with my bare hands if they hurt her.

  Before I knew it, we arrived.

"Why are we at a hotel?" Oliver asked and I glanced at him, "This is where she told me she was going before she left and never came back. I just need to see something."

   He nodded and the three of us climbed out of the car as they stood by awkwardly, waiting for me to tell them what the hell I was doing. I glanced at Elise and she raised her eyebrows at me, "What?" I looked at the building and noticed cameras, "Go flash the owner your tits or something and get that camera footage pulled up from that day."

  "Fuck you," she growled as she walked inside of the building, cash in her hand. I smiled grimly and Oliver cocked an eyebrow at me as I started scanning the parking lot. I didn't find what I was looking for until I reached the entrance of the parking lot where loads of gravel sat. I groaned, it's going to be difficult to find signs of a struggle on gravel, not to mention it was a month ago.

"Look for blood or anything suspicious," I said sternly and Oliver obliged as he scanned for signs of struggle as well. After about six minutes of nothing but looking around at rocks, my stomach churned at the sight of blood on the side near the ditch. I found an empty needle and I got Oli's attention, "Get the gloves and grab that, get it tested for everything." Oliver nodded and raced back to the car just as Elise approached me with a grim and panicked look on her face.

   "What is it?" I impatiently asked her and she shook her head, "Yo-You're not going to like it..."

  I took that exact moment to race inside of the building where an old man stood, with a laptop on the counter. He looked at me and eyed me suspiciously, "You're with Lavigne?" I nodded and he turned the computer to me, replaying the video that Elise obviously just watched. I felt sick to my stomach as I watched a taxi pull up to the gravel and Cameron stepped out, looking gorgeous as ever even in Oliver's jacket. Oliver walked inside of the hotel and walked up beside me, watching with me.

My eyebrows scrunched as I saw a hooded figure walk up to her and her posture made her seem sad. The hooded figure pulled their hood down and I recognized the man as her boyfriend, Salvatore. She wrapped her arms around her body as she spoke like she always did when she was upset and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. She smiled a little at him before furrowing her eyebrows at something he said. Within an instant, Salvatore raised his fist and punched her in the face. My mouth dropped open in shock and anger as I heard Oli inhale sharply, pissed off just like I am.

   She fell to the ground and looked up at him with tears in her eyes before he reared his foot back and kicked her in the ribs, causing her to double over in pain. My fists clenched as my breathing quickened in anger. My sweet girl did not deserve that no matter what happened. She doesn't deserve to be touched like that and I'll fucking murder everyone he loves in front of him before murdering him painfully and slowly for touching her.

  Before I know it, he grabbed her hair on either side of her head and slammed her head into the ground and she passed out. I felt sick to my stomach as he grabbed the same needle I found in the ditch and stuck it in her neck before throwing it on the ground. He picked her body up and they disappeared off of the camera. I ran to the trashcan in the lobby and spilled my guts into it.

Cameron, I'll find you and I promise I will give you the justice you deserve. If it's the last thing I fucking do. I pinky swear it for you, mamas.

Viperous Touch (18+) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now