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A/N: Who is ready for Cameron's escape? Do you think she'll make it? Please vote and enjoy, shitfucks!💋

A/N: Who is ready for Cameron's escape? Do you think she'll make it? Please vote and enjoy, shitfucks!💋~*~

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Depart hurriedly.

I walked over to Salvatore's side of the bed and got in his drawer. A wallet sat in there with hundreds of dollars. I counted everything out and finalized it as two thousand dollars. I took it all and put it in the same pocket as the flash drive. I quietly walked downstairs, careful not to alert the guards in the front yard. Before I knew it, I was walking out of the backyard and once I checked to see if everything was clear, I sprinted.

I realized I'm one town over from Elliott, surprisingly. I guess Salvatore planned to kill me off soon. I shook the intruding thoughts from my head as I ran through multiple patches of woods when I suddenly had a stomach-churning idea. Reaching my hand up to the back of my neck, I suddenly felt a hard bump in my skin. Almost like a scab but maybe a bit harder. I cursed silently and looked around to find something sharp. After looking for twenty minutes, I finally found a glass shard that was big enough to deliberately mutilate my skin. I pulled my hair out of the way and got to work, cutting through my skin as I felt myself crying and I felt the warm blood race down my back.

Soon, I reached the tracking device and threw it in a small stream, disabling it indefinitely. I threw the glass shard away and continued sprinting elsewhere. After what seemed like hours of running, I came up to an old house where an old Ford truck sat in the driveway. My heart sped up as I limped over to the house. I tripped over a half-buried log earlier and I think I sprained it.

I walked up to the door, most likely crazy and wild-looking, and knocked. Someone began shuffling throughout the house and the door opened, revealing a man probably in his sixties. His eyes widened once he scanned my pathetic stance and opened the door hurriedly, "Come in, ma'am! Are you okay?"

I nodded, "I'm in trouble and I need help. I need a phone and I need water and possibly a band-aid if that's okay?"

He nodded and dug around in his pocket before turning to me with a menacing grin, "Did you really think you could get away from Salvatore, Erica?" I snarled at him, "My name is not bloody Erica," I whipped my gun out and shot him in the face, "It's fucking Cameron."

I didn't have time to dwell on him. I dug around in his pockets and found a cell phone and a pair of keys. I blew out a huge breath in relief before I went over to his fridge, grabbing a bottle of water. I ran outside and started the truck up, thanking God it wasn't a stick-shift because there's no way I would've made it out of the driveway. I began chugging the water with one hand as the other backed out of the driveway and sped through the road in the woods.

My heart was racing with adrenaline as I eyed the road at the same time I was dialing Oliver's number. It rang three times per usual before he picked up.

"Who's this?"

"Oliver, it-it's me, Cameron. Do you remember me? Please say yes, I'm in trouble and I don't know where I'm going-"

"What the fuck?! Cameron Moore?! Holy shit- uh- where are you?"

"I don't know! I- there's a lot of trees and I don't know how far behind me Salvatore is; I killed one of his men and I took all of his money in his wallet and I have a bunch of information on me that I'll get killed for if they catch up to me-" I rambled and I heard him panicking in the back before my eyes locked on a road sign, "I'm on route 60 and I'm passing an MFA gas station right now with a tiny diner named Nancy's on the front!"

"You're twenty minutes out, I'm on my way. Everyone else is out with Elliott looking for leads on you right now and I don't think any of them brought their phones. Stay on the phone, do not hang up, Cammie," Oli exasperated and I nodded. I looked in the rearview window and everything was clear, but to clear my conscious I decided to start speeding anyways. I slammed on the gas and was reaching ninety in this old truck whilst the speed limit read fifty-five.

I started panicking and after about ten minutes of Oliver calming me down, he spoke up, "Okay, we should be nearing each other any minute. If you happen to pass a small roadside store that looks dilapidated, pull in the lot."

As if on cue, a store that matched that description was approaching proper quickly and I slammed on my brakes, entering the lot at the same time Oliver's shiny black car did. I put the car in park and ditched everything in it, running over to Oliver's car. I threw the passenger door open and slid in as he hurriedly backed out and began speeding us home.

He looked at me as he kept side-eyeing the road. He placed his hand on my chin, turning my head to look for injuries when he spotted the bloody mess I made of my neck. "What the fuck?" He growled and I shook my head as I took a deep breath, "There was a tracking device in my skin. I cut it out when I was running away."

"Elliott should be talking to his private investigator at Missy's. Do you want to go there or go home?" He asked as he scanned my body, checking for further injuries. "M-Missy's," I shakily confirmed as my ankle began throbbing from the sprained injury. I hissed in pain once a sharp pain shot across my ankle and Oliver's voice erupted, "What's wrong?"

  "I think I might have dislocated my ankle and my neck burns rather badly," I shakily replied and he nodded as I continued, "Oli, thank you so much for picking up the phone. I missed you guys so much it's unreal." Before I knew it, we were both crying as we pulled into the parking lot where I automatically spotted Elliott's motorcycle and Oliver responded, "Of course, Cammie, you're my best friend. You have no idea the hell it's been missing you." I hugged him properly before hopping out of the car on my good ankle.

I'm home, El, I'm home...

Viperous Touch (18+) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now