The Problems.

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Shahil - "I am tired"

Arnold - "So am I."

Shahil -"It was a tough job."

Arnold - "Yes it is. But I'm glad that we were able to rise up their spirit."

Shahil -"Yes...that's one side of the coin"

Arnold - "And what's the other side of it."

Shahil -" Well the government will only educate them the basic things and prepare them to be doctors, teachers,engineers,...but will not teach them moral values...that's a huge problem"

Arnold - "Hmm. That make sense. You're right."

Arnold - "I guess we're the ones who must show them and teach them the moral values."

Shahil -"Yes, but will they learn...???"

Arnold - "It's hard but not impossible. Although we might have to use a little bit of force. But that's only in case situation becomes extreme. Such as if a fight breaks out.But I think there won't be any such situation."

Shahil -"We should not use force as it's their choice"

Arnold - "Yeah, the right to choose. But this is the moment from which the next generation will have a chance to make the world a better place. We should not use force and I do agree with you. But can we change them for better...."

Shahil -" well the society decides the character of people so if we can present then a better way of living by not just being aimless, materialistic, truthfulness togetherness then they might inherit the good characteristics themselves"

Arnold - "Maybe... (He goes in a deep thought for a moment.)

Shahil - "You know it's always the best to talk to a best friend under the sky with the moon and the stars"

Arnold - "Yeah.(He nods.) "

Shakeel : I truly agree

Shahil-" We have another friend here"

Arnold - "Who is that?"

Shakeel: This is me Shakeel Ahmed

Arnol : "Oo I see. Well nice to see you again."

(Shakeel comes from behind towards us)

Shakeel - "What are you guys discussing ?"

Arnold - "Well, nothing serious. And what were you doing there??"

Shakeel -"Just moved out to get some fresh air"

Shahil -"Are you alright?"

Shakeel -"Yes,I am fine"

Arnold - "(Sips a cold drink.)

*sips a glass of cold drink*

Shahil -" (Starts to laugh)

Shakeel -"What happened?"

Shahil -"Ask Arnold."

Arnold - "What! I don't know? Don't look at me like that.

Arnol : *sips another glass of cold drink.

Shahil - " Shakeel,do you think we will be able to make it"

Shakeel -"To what?"

Arnold - "The counselling!"

Shakeel -"I don't know,well it boosted us a bit "

Shahil -"Well something is better than nothing"

Shakeel -"I will take your leave now...we will meet tomorrow"

Shahil -"See you tomorrow"

Arnold - "Hey, pal I know it's a little bit of hard. After all we're devastated too by the loss of our loved ones... But, we are also the one whom the young ones are looking up. I mean it's we that they got."

Shakeel - "Yeah, I know that...we have to be strong right now."

Arnold - "Good to know. I was able to raise your spirit."

Shakeel -"Thank you two for raising our spirits in such a depressing time"

Arnold - "Ah no need to thank us."

Shakeel - "I get you ."

Arnold - "You do have that too. Buddy, just need a few motivational speeches. (I guess)

Shahil -"Which I gave you first? "(starts to laugh)"

Arnold - "(laughs) And I'm giving you."

(All start to laugh)

Arnold and Shakeel bade "Good night"  and go to their homes to sleep.

A few moments later.

Shahil -"You can come out now. They are gone."

Neha comes out from behind the trees while Shahil stares at the stars.

Neha -"How did you know that I was here ?"

Shahil -"I knew someone followed us when Arnold and i came here !"

Neha -"I...I.... wasn't... following you !"

Shahil -"Sorry for poor wording. "

Neha walks towads the bench and looks down.

Neha -"I...umm...i don't know how to say..."

Shahil -"You don't need to !"

Neha breadths  deep.

Shahil -"Sit and look at those brilliant stars."

Neha looks up.

Neha -"They are beautiful..."

Shahil -"How will you describe them ?"

Neha -"They have turned off the fear that the darkness of night has caused?

Shahil -"Yes ! And that's the same thing we will do !"

Neha -"We sure will !"

(They then move to their own homes and get some sleep.)

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