Chapter 13

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Jackie's p.o.v:

As I walked back up to Alyssa's apartment my mind kept bouncing between the nightmare and meeting Jordan. I was excited and scared. I knew that voice and nickname, they came from one man I never want to see ever again he was a no-good, lying, cheating son of a b**** and he had hurt one of the only people I have left.

Jordan's p.o.v:

I walked back to my apartment with an insanely large smile on my face. It always felt good when a fan told me I had helped them but for some reason this time it felt special, more special than usual.

Jackie's p.o.v:

My mind wandered back to Jordan and luckily, this time, didn't wander back to him. I thought about what tomorrow was going to be like, going to breakfast with Jordan Maron! A huge grin spread across my face as I entered the apartment. "Hey!" someone whisper-shouted.

"Oh hey!" I said realizing it was josh and trying to wipe this stupid grin off my face. "Why are you up?" I asked curiously.

"Just woke up,you?" his raspy morning voice made me miss when we were dating.

"Had a tiny nightmare but, I'm okay now!" I said cheerfully.

"Want to talk about it?" he asked his voice concerned. "or do you want to explain why you're so happy?"

"A bit of both if you don't mind." I said.

"Go ahead." he smiled, I've always loved his smile but sadly we've agreed it will be better if we stay just friends. I'm going to try and move on.

"Thanks." I said with a smile.

"For what?"

"For always being there for me. Anyways, here's the story," I explained every detail of the nightmare but before I could tell him the upside he interrupted me.

"Boo?!" he asked clearly alarmed, he knew too. "M-M-Matt?" He asked in an almost inaudible whisper, I just shook my head. "But in the dream he didn't hurt you, did he?"

"No." I replied, as I continued with the story.

A/N- sorry it took so long, writers block but hey, it's up now yay! anyways


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