Part Five-On the Road

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        We had been traveling for about 3 hours without any complications on our way to Texas in an El Camino. Boy, was it cute when 10K would say "El Camino~" in the funny, little voice. Simply nostalgic! Well, even though it was a nice ride, there were no windows.

When we found the car/ truck, he had decided to take the wheel. I was fine with it because when riding beside him, he always looked so calm and cool. He just laid back as if to assert that he belonged there an I felt as if I could just watch him forever.

As the desert of New Mexico zoomed passed us through the window, I looked at the fuel gauge.

10K noticed me glancing over and spoke, "Yeah...we're going to be taking a stop soon. I just want to see if we can get closer to an industrialized place first."

"I don't think it's going to last much long--"The sound of the gas running out interrupted me. "err. See?" I said with a disappointed look.

"I guess this is where we stop then." he said with a click of the tongue. "This is embarrassing..."he later added.

Looking beyond 10K's head, a Z stared blankly at us as it lunches at the door. "Z!!" I shouted.
10K turned with wide eyes and pulled away. Without a weapon in reach in good time and without risking 10K's brains in the cramped space, I leaned over 10K all the while unbuckling him to hold down the Z's head and started jamming the end of the buckle as deep into the skull as I could by continuously bashing the metal in further and further. Blood spewed from the head, and splattered our faces crimson. At last when the brain was punctured into a soup, I pulled out the buckle with a chunk of brains in the indented space. I shook it off out the window as I pushed the Z to the El Camino's backside. After so, I brought myself off of 10K and patted him down to see if he was okay.

"IhehI. Thank you. " 10K said through the blood. "That was insane." He huffed.
I sat back in my seat and whiffed. "You're welcome... I wouldn't want anything happening to you. " I pointed out and swiped the bitter blood that had gotten in my mouth. I looked back at him, again, glad to be in the presence of his life. For a second there, I could have lost him. The epitome of hope I had found just a day ago gone in an instant—I don't what I would have done or said to his group. With his warmth just there, I needed him to remind me that I was not alone. His life has been saved, and he was there—there! Did not even matter how he felt for as long as he wanted to be there—with me! The weight of him next to me bringing such delight was inexplainable in sensible words.

Yet, I held it all down.

We both sat back as the room filled with our hyperventilation.

I moved on to explain our next plans,"It's okay 10000, we can be fine with walking. We were not going to get any further no matter who was driving." I looked side-to-side with my hands on my hips and then pulled out the map. "Um-mm...lucky for us, Mesquite is not too far from here if we just follow this road. Then we'll see if we can find ourselves riding through Las Cruces because guessing by how many activities go on there--its going to invaded by Z. Afterwards, we could take a rest in El Paso."

"Sounds good, (Y/N)." He replied as he dug his head next to mine in order to look at the map. I blushed due this advancement, and I had the idea that it was his intention to mess with me. So, I put my finger to his chin and pushed his face away. He pouted, but went on to get out of the El Camino and go around to my door to let me out--by which I resisted letting him do.

"I think I can get out of a car on my own, thank you though." I said and went to elbow him as I came out.

I was not used to riding in such a low vehicle, so without knowing exactly what happened, I started to fall as my knee suddenly collapsed on me. Quickly, 10K brought his hand behind my waist, and my top half fell back onto his arm as he held me close--my breast then squished against his firm chest. Our chins made close contact while 10K bent over me as he brought me to stand straight.

"Apparently not. You're so clumsy. " He bantered as he gazed over my weak position, his green eyes sparkling. We've ended up like this before. Would I let him kiss me now?

He put a finger to my chin, then pulled away and let me be placed still like a doll--my eyes dazed and confused.

I shook my head and brushed myself off of this incident.

I turned around to close the door as I hid my elated status and tried to contain a girlish squeel. After gathering myself, I turned back to 10K with a false serene look upon my face. "Shall we." I said, sweeping an arm in the direction of Mesquite.

As we walked away from the car after grabbing our stuff like nothing happened, I could not contain the laughter much longer. I started giggling like crazy, so much that I turned as red as a tomato.

"What?" He said, while laughing himself.

I bit my lip and took a deep breathe, but continued laughing. With 10K frantically watching me while laughing, I found it so hard to stop. It wasn't even that funny! Finally, I took enough steady breathes to relax myself and clear my throat and apologized while we walked, "I'm sorry. I'm so erratic and haven't been with someone my age in atleast 4 years."

"Don't be sorry. It's enlightening. Cute, really." He said with a smile. "I just want to know what's so funny!" He jeered.

Hearing that reaction, I was left completely baffled. Of course, we were two crazy kids. This would be my chance to take action and find out where I stood. Sadly, flirting was never my thing, but it would have been pitiful if I did not try.
So I spoke."Well, if I didn't know any better, I would have believed that something was going to happen right there." I smirked, hinting so much that he would be oblivious if he didn't know what I was talking about.

"It didn't feel like the right time." He stared at his feet with his gun slung over his back.

So, he does want to, huh?

"Maybe... It's true that I don't even know your real name." I said and couldn't help think that those words were a sign of pre-rejection. He probably did not even feel close enough to me to tell me who he was. After all, our lives before the outbreak did not matter if all we were just two crazy kids bested by chance. If there was another girl, he might even just run off with her instead.

Then his voice broke me out my trail of thought. "It's Thomas."
Thomas—everything I ever wanted...

"Can I call you Tommy? I like it."

"You can call me whatever you want. Just don't tell anyone my real name, please. "
"My lips are sealed. And Tommy? It still works with being a shooter because of the Tommy gun." I joked, while imitating the well known scene of Scar Face.

Tommy rolled his eyes but smiled in amusement.
"Sorry, I use humor at all the wrong times." I apologized.
"It's funny, stop worrying, (Y/N)."

"If you want, Tommy."

"I am just glad to still be at your side, so be yourself. I like it."

I felt a tingle in my chest make me suddenly feel lighter than air itself.

"You too, it's the best you can do. Healthy or insane, I like being with you now. No matter where we end up." I say as I swing my arm in sync of our steps.

Thomas stoped the kinetic motion as he brushed his fingers along mine. "You give me a feeling I never had before. I...want to hold you forever." He whispered. With my nod, he continued the swinging as he took my hand into his. Our fingers intertwined as he held onto me tightly; never letting go as we sauntered on the dirt and gravel beneath our feet and leaving the El Camino behind.
Now I knew that we stood together. It was him and I versus a mad world, but we were not to be blind. We knew we wanted to live and live to be with each other. This thought ached in my heart over everything else I had ever known.

The feel in my heart was for only him and I would die for him.

Here is another song for you. Honestly, I think that my writing is heavily influenced by the music I listen to. For me, its not a bad thing because I find that they are the preservations of truths from a world of minds that we all need to hear. :)

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