Chapter Two

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A.N. I don't own any pictures or music that been put in this book! This is Dominic up above

Nightmare Pov

I never thought he will be in my school or see him in real life the only tine I see him is in the mirror I still can't believe how hot he is especially when he has blue hair he so pale almost ghost like it worry some he needs the sun.
Yes Alec?
Yayyyy you replied to meeehhhh!
I chuckled at his reply, I will always reply to him unless I get busy that happens a lot now these says.
You know I will always reply to you Alec.
I saw Alec walk by he is heading to the office now which is by the cafeteria.
But you dint this morning when I was heading to the bus, are you okay did something happen... did I upset you somehow?
No no no no nothing wrong and you didn't upset I promise, I am sorry I did not reply in tell now, I heard by the way that why I didn't reply I was throwing a hissy fit.
I heard him giggle softly in our connection.
I am sorry you stuck with partners... will I could replace you when we do a group kill.
I felt pain in my chest at the thought of getting replaced.
No I can do it, I don't wanna get replaced a newbie who don't know how to use your body.
Whaa... Oh no!! I meant I will be there no one gonna replace you, you can't be replaceable Nightmare!
My heart started to speed up when he said that, no one said that to me before.
That worse I am not letting your soul get anymore blood on it... Anyway how is it going with your new school
It was silent for couple minutes and I was getting worried that something happened to him. So I reached into my bag and pulled my diet coke out and open and reached for my phone to check were he was at and I was gonna bolt to him the moment I got his location.I put a small tracking device on the earning I got for him long ago it was a short dangle cross

(A.N this what it looks like and only one)
Before I could do that he replied while I was sipping on my pop
I am lost....
I choked on my pop and I start to cough on it when I stop coughing I notice people were watching so I snapped at them "what the hell are you staring at!! " with that they looked away and went back to doing what they were doing before, I pulled out my phone to see were he was at and saw he was in the cafeteria.
How in the hell did you get lost when you are in the cafeteria? By the way you passed the office go backwards five steps and you will be there.
I just follow the sound of music and thank you Nightmare!! What am I gonna do without you!
You will be lost
I was already by the office when I saw him pout then walk five steps back and he went into the office to get his info, right before I walked to the cafeteria I saw a blond dude enter the building and went straight to the office... I never saw him before so another new student? I just walked off to go get my food.

                  Two minutes later

I was just finishing my food when I saw Alec and the blond dude enter line for food. I waited in tell Alec exit the line which he did in 30 seconds with in apple in his hand, I frown at that.
Why aren't you eating more Alec
Because I had a big breakfast at home
Bacon is a big breakfast for you?
Go get more food Alec and why are you sitting on the ground in the corner, Don't you have a friend yet??
I know he did because he made friends with me on the bus.
I do but..
But what Alec,  does he or she  not wish to sit with you?
As much I want to scream at him to come sit with me I can't I half to pretend I don't know he made a friend and that it was me who he made friend with he doesn't need to know yet that I have a body and that my souls is split between him and my body. Which I don't mind he brings out side of me that I did not know I had in me.
I don't know if does want me sit with him. I know I can get very loud and annoying at times. I still don't know how you are still with me and not left.
With that answer I growled loudly and stand up,just yo march over to were he is at,  I hate it when he like that.
To say I was pissed was an understatement I was furious I stood over him along enough to hear him whimper quietly if I didn't have good ears I would never heard that, his head was bowed in a sad way.
Yes sir I understand, I am sorry for saying it.
"what are you doing over here Alec? " I asked in my cold and calm tone that can scar everyone but him it like he  immune to it, he jump tiny bit and looked up at me with his wide  beautiful greenish blue eyes "Dom you scared meeehhhh" his soft but beautiful voice replied it was like angels were singing every time he spoke it the same when we talk threw the bond. But when he sings it hauntly beautiful i really do try not to sleep when he starts to sing when it time to kill he sings while I kill "Sorry to scare you Alec but why don't you come and eat with me? " wonder what he will sound like moaning under me I mentally slapped my face at that shush mind he will never like you that way! even though he want to cuddle and hug me. "I I I I didn't knew you wanted me to" he angel like voice replied I half to pretend I didn't knew that already that getting hard to do. I really want to tell him hello it me Nightmare and I want you to love me like I love you! yeah I love him even though it been a week in a half I known him I love anyone who meets him well fall in love with it hard not to he has the sweetest and caring  personality you will ever meet. It funny how he end up killing and got bullied with that personality he got. "Will you know now so come on come sit with me " I am not giving him a chance argue so I give him a look that say that not something you can fight me with and with that he got up just for the bell to ring. With that ring it hurt my ears so bad it was like some decided to get a drill and drill into my ear I growl at that and shake my head and then glare at the intercom. I felt cold hands on my ears soon rubbing them gently I turn and look Alec who was rubbing my ears gently "that must hurt so much I am sorry" Alec said softly why was he saying sorry it wasn't him who made the bell so loud it was the school fault. "it not your fault tho Alec " I said normal voice that he hears everyday for the last week hoping begging for him recognize my voice.  With that  he stopped and stared at me he opens his mouth to speak to me but before that could happen a voice speaks up "Mister blackwell and Mister Waterfall aren't you supposed to be in class right now" I groan at that voice I recognize it anywhere only person who dares to go against my word and is not terrified of my presence "Miss. Moonfire we was just talking so can you go suck Mr. Frankwell  dick and leave us alone? " I asked back to my cold and emotionless voice she gasped in rage I turn myself around yo look at the whore of a teacher just to see her glaring at me in pure rage " I can give you detention Mister Blackwell and Mister Waterfall!! " She screams in rage, but I let out a low dangerous growl which made her froze and shake in fear "Alec did nothing to you Sarah so I suggest you take back your words right now before you regret saying those words DO. YOU. UNDERSTAND.!!!!!!" I said to her in a calm deadly voice at first then raised my voice at the end with that she screamed and ran with her whore of a outfit.  With I turn around to look Alec just to see him there smiling "I thought I recognized that voice and attitude... hello Nightmare" Alec said with a calm and happy voice with that I smiled at my angel.

Oh Jesus don't ever give disresprect to your teachers like that kids... only Dominic can do that!  but...

me:**looks at Dominic** why are you like this again?

Dominic: Because you made me this way

me:so cold

Alec:But that normal

Dominic:**runs over and  hugs Alec** thank you for recognizing me pwease loveeee meeehhhh

me:**gives dom a wtf bruh face** he was just devil few minutes ago I swear he was but as soon he hears Alec he tame as a puppy!!

Alec:**giggles softly and looks at everyone ** see you everyone in the next chapter!!

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