Growing up

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Living in happiness can be hard to find,
as you laugh carelessly in the kitchen with your family on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

Happiness is an amazingly hard thing to find in a world of violence.
Laughter is the next best thing when sometimes in life, you've got to be lithely.

I miss when we didn't have to worry about our looks or how we talk or even what clothes we have on.

I once wanted to grow up, now I just want to go back to when I was still a child.
They'd ask us, "What do you want to be when you're older?" most kids would reply with the most important jobs there are.

I didn't have an answer; I just wanted to play.

I wish I could start over, have the drive the others did. Maybe I wouldn't feel like a failure.
Everything isn't what it seems. Especially not in the real world.

But we still gotta move forward.

The mind of a DaydreamerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя