Chapter 1

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Yawn** another victorious day
That's sarcasm I actually woke up yesterday saying the exact same thing also the day before that and on, But I mean what am I suppose to expect from "Adulthood".
***And by the way I rolled my eyes at the word "Adulthood"***

It's Tuesday, which means workday and with that said I gotta get up and hit the hike already. I woke up early than usual, but still as usual I did my morning routine and made breakfast and launch for the kids.


"Carlos, Rosie, and Alia If you guys don't get up I gonna take away the TV for a week!!!" I yelled and threaten them so they could get up and get ready for school, also cause this trick always works since the TV is their only entertainment in this house. And with that being said there were running noises coming from upstairs, like I said it always works. I smiled at myself for being such a good sister.

25 mins later

"WHERE IS MY SCHOOL BAG?!" Alia yells from upstairs

I looked at my side and answered " Its here on the couch!" After what seemed like an eternity they were all ready and prepared to go to school , so I got my keys and we headed to the car. I dropped the two youngest ones at the elementary and than drove to Alia's high school for she just started 9th grade, after dropping her off I finally went to work.

As I entered the building one of my friends Cassie rushed to me, " Your finally here!" She said hurriedly. I smiled at her, Cassie has always been with me ever since the incident 4 years ago. Who would've thought that we would work in the same hospital? "Good morning to you too, Cassie" I smiled.

She shook her head "Mr. Winston isn't cooperating with any of the nurses and won't take his medication, as usually and we need your help!"

You see Mr.Winston is patient of mines that is very old and he has heart attacks quite often so he has to stay here to take his medications. He and I talk frequently about his wife who died 13 years ago and I told him about my mother and family and how my so-called father left us back then, which is why Mr.Winston is attached to me but I don't mind for he's like a father I never had.

"Alright let the day begin" I sighed and headed straight to Mr. Winstons room

I walked in seeing two nurses trying to get him to take his medications but he wouldn't let them, I walk over to the nurse that had the medicine and smiled at her "It's okay I'll take it from here" I reassured both of them. They thanked me and went to their other duties, I walked over to Mr.Winston and sat beside him.

"You know you can't always be like this, otherwise how can you get better?" I asked him as he calmed down seeing that it was me.

"Oh Cat you don't know how awful they were to me, trying to force me to take the meds." He exaggerates

I chuckled and gave him the meds, "You know one day I won't be here and you would have to take the medication from the other nurses.." I told him.

"Well I don't see that day coming, so I don't see the problem here" he shot back, I chuckled and headed off for the day.


My day was over as the clock at last hits 9:30pm, I went to the locker room trying to get my purse and jacket when Cassie comes in.

"Today was a long day." She sighs

"Wasn't today like yesterday?" I asked chuckling

"Yeah, but today was a tiring day. Which is why I got to get with my boyfriend" she answered winking at me

I shook my head knowing her goofiness , after getting my belongings I went straight to my car that's parked in the hospital parking lot. The sky was getting darker each passing minutes, I got into the driver seat   and started the car.

About 15 mins of driving I finally pulled up to my apartment, I turned the car off and headed inside. The kids are probably in their rooms going to bed, which is why the lights downstairs were off. I put my keys on the key holder and put my bag on the kitchen table and went upstairs to my bedroom to change.

As I walked to my room I saw a shadowy figure below the window that was opened, is this what they call a break-in? I turned the lights on while holding my phone in case the person tries anything, but not that worried since I know some fighting techniques of my own. Now let's not worry about what I know but the situation I'm in right now.

Once I turned the the lights on I saw a injured person who is shot probably 3 times since I see 3 holes on different places on his body bleeding and got a cut on his cheek. I gasped from what I was seeing and decided to help instead of calling the cops.

Thank you for reading it hope you like it😊 sorry for the cliffhanger but I couldn't give everything on the first chapter. This is my first book so if there is any errors please do say so, Thank you!



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