Chapter 5

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It's 8:24 pm now, about a few hours ago that weird dude came here and I'm still trying to figure out what he meant when he said "Your mines now". We could think about that later cause now the kids and I are arguing over what we should watch and let me tell you this. I don't like it at all!

"I say we should watch the Avengers," Alia says

"What no way! That movie is trash, let's watch Annabelle." Carlos protests.

What a scary movie? Actually, that didn't shock me what shocked me was that Carlos was suggesting this! CARLOS!!

"What?" I asked Carlos but I was ignored by not only him but ALL of them. I saw that Rosie was quiet, so I did what adults would do...... I chose the movie. What? You thought Imma ask her what she wants to watch? Pshhhh no way, I might be an adult, but I was still a kid by heart.

"We're going to watch The Old Guard," I said, with that, they all turned to me. They didn't argue cause they knew what that brings.

"Okay, I'm down for it," Alia said, Carlos and Rosie nodded in agreement.

~2 hours later~

"What that cant just end like that!" Rosie exclaims, she finally spoke after the movie.

"But it sure was a good movie can't wait till the second part comes out." I looked at Rosie, I realized that she has mom's eyes, they were beautiful.

I looked at the time and saw that it was 10:12 pm, guess it's bedtime and I gotta wake up early tomorrow for work.

"Alright kiddos, time for bed." With that being said we started to clean and went upstairs. We said our goodnights and went to bed.

I laid on the bed thinking of what He said and the way he touched me. Then I remembered the night I saw him on the floor of my bedroom. What happened to him? Why was he shot and injured so badly?

I slowly drifted to sleep as I was asking myself all those questions.

~The Next Day~

I got up at 5:15 am and washed my face. Knowing it was still early I put on shorts and a T-shirt with running shoes cause I was going for a run.

Sometimes when I know I have too much time on my hands I would take that time and use it on running, but sometimes I would use running as my escape from the world.

I used to love running, I was on the track team since I was 8 years old. My mom would always support me and tell me that I would become the world's best runner. That encouraged me to run even faster each time.

Until I got to high school the fee was too much and I had to take part-time jobs just to help my siblings and me, but I still do run it makes me feel alive knowing I still got something my mom loved and it still lives with me.

To this day I still have all my medals from my years of running in a small box along with a picture of my mom and me smiling after  I won a race, deep underneath my bed.

Around 6:20 am I came back home, I took a hot shower and changed my clothes into dark blue jeans and a White Champion t-shirt. I went downstairs made the kids their breakfast and school lunch.

After making their breakfast I called them downstairs and we started eating, soon it was time to go and we were already ready so we got into the car and headed to our destinations.

~25 minutes later~

I got to the hospital and went to my lockers when I got there I saw Cassie. She was changing her coat, she wasn't paying attention to who was here, realizing that a smirk crossed my face.

I slowly walked up to her from the back and she was still not turning around. 1.......2........3!!

"BOOO" I yelled, Cassie, dropped her purse and started screaming.

"Holy Shit, Cat!!!" She glared at me, I was laughing so badly that tears came out of my eye.

"Sor—*laughing*—sorry" I wipe my eyes, Cassie rolled her eyes but then looked at me and smiled.

"Are you feeling alright now?" She came and hugged me, she holds onto my shoulders and looked me in the eyes with worried eyes. I smiled seeing how much she cared about me.

"Yes, I'm alright. Just needed a bit of sleep, who would've known that even Catherine Huston needs some break" I chuckled trying to let her know that I'm okay.

"You better not lie to me, Cat." She warned me, pointing her finger at me. I brought my hands up and nodded, awh Cassie you would never know what really happened though.


As I was headed to Mr.Winstons room Chase came up to me and hugged me and I hugged him back. If you guys don't know who he is, he's my best friend. Chase knows all my problems and everything that happened with my family, we've known each other since middle school we met through having the same interests. Who would've guessed we would even work in the same hospital, he's a heart surgeon and has been helping me a lot in the past few months in order for me to become a doctor.

"Hi, Chase." I smiled sweetly, he looked me in the eyes and smiled back.

"Hey Love." He kept looking in my eyes, I know Chase like the back of my hands and when he stares like that it means he wants something.

"Alright big boy, what do you want?" I asked chuckling.

"What I can't look at you without asking any favors?"
He grinned.

"Fine, until you want to tell me what you want I have a patient waiting for me, so catch you later on," I said and padded his shoulder.

"Okay see you later than, Love." He hugged me and kissed me on the cheeks.

As we said our byes we went our separate ways, I got to Mr. Winstons' room and saw him smirking at me. I laughed and gave his medicines to him.

"What are you smirking at Mr.Winstons?" I asked while filling this daily form that lets the system know that Mr.Winstons took his meds.

"Back with the Mr. I see Cat, I feel hurt." He touches his chest with his right arm, I rolled my eyes knowing how dramatic he could be.

"Alright Alvarado, eat your meds I have another patient waiting for me." I put down the daily checkin form and looked at Alvarado, he was still smiling at me.

"You know that boy has feelings for you, right?" He asked and then took the meds with a glass of water.

"Who? You mean Chase?" I asked confused, why would Chase like me? He thinks of me like a sister and I love him like a brother.

"Yes, I was talking to Dr.Jen, and then I saw you and him and how he was looking at you." He explained, I laughed and looked at him smiling.

"Dr. Maver doesn't like me and if he did he would've told me a long time ago, Anyways I have to go but nice chatting with you Alvarado," I replied as I waved goodbye while leaving the room.


Before I knew it was already time to go, I went to the locker room and saw that Cassie wasn't there yet which meant she probably has to stay overtime. I got my book bag and headed to the parking lot.

As I was going to my car I felt a shiver go down my spine like someone was watching, I turned around and saw no one was there so I turned and started walking to my car again.

Maybe I was tired and needed some rest, I could really use a hot bath right now. As I got into my car I remembered what Mr.Winston said and it made chuckle, the thought of Chase liking me was almost laughable.

Thank you for reading and hope this chapter was longer than the one before.


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