Racing The Clock

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Liam P.O.V

How Harry was able to sit in this chair and look upon Niall like this without completely breaking down was beyond me. As Harry once again let us all know that this was in fact our fault I couldn’t even bare to look at the frail boy who lay beside him. I wanted nothing more than to throw myself on top of him and keep him safe from everything and anything that could possibly hurt him. But I didn’t, I couldn’t because Harry was there. So I kept myself in check until I saw my opportunity open up when Louis and Zayn led Harry out of the room, leaving me here, to sit by Niall’s side. I grab his hand in both of mine, just like Harry had been doing before. I looked at him, at the tube in his mouth. A thought of just pulling all the machines off him crossed my mind, to just release him from the pain he was feeling, but I couldn’t bring myself to think about that. I couldn’t bring myself to let Niall go.

“I’m so sorry, Niall,” I whispered. “I am so, so sorry I did this to you. I wish like hell I could take everything back but I can’t. And now it might be too late. You may never know how I actually fell about you. And I can’t live with myself knowing that I am the reason you’re in this state,” I sobbed into his side, as I rested my head against him.
Beep Beep

I lifted my head as I noticed the sound coming from the machine change.

Beep Beep Beep

I looked at Niall, thinking that maybe he’s waking up.

Beep Beep Beep Beep Beeeeeeeeeeeep

Wait, what’s going on? I looked at the monitor to the right of Niall and saw it go flat line.

“NO! Niall, don’t do this. Fucking wake up! Don’t you dare die on me. You can’t do this, not now. Not before I get a chance to tell you how I feel,” I shouted at him, gripping his shoulders and shaking him. Trying to do anything to get him to come back.

I felt myself being pulled back by someone, and was shouted at to get out of the room. But I stayed. I fought off every attempt the doctors made to make me leave.

“Fine, but stay glued to that wall, you hear me,” the doctor said, I nodded, feeling the tears stream down my face.

“Okay, clear!” the doctor shouted, as she held the paddles above Niall’s tiny frame.

“Clear!” was shouted back. The doctor pressed the paddles to Niall’s chest, sending an electric current through his body that made his back arch almost sickeningly off the hospital bed. Everyone stopped, and stared at the heart monitor.

“No change,” one of them said.

“Okay, charge again. This time to 300. Hurry up, we don’t have time for hesitation,” the doctor shouted at one of the nurses again.

“Clear!” Again Niall’s back was arched off the bed, fresh tears fell down my face as I feared that there would be no change.

Again everyone stopped. Even the smallest improvement would be better than how he is now. Dead. A long silence filled the room, which was only broken by the sound of the flat line on the monitor.

“Don’t you say it. Don’t you dare fucking say it,” I shouted at the doctor as she turned to me with an apologetic look on her face.

“I’m so sorry, we did everything we could,” I slid down the wall, falling onto my knees; I covered my face with my hands and sobbed. “The strain seems to be too much on his bo-“She was interrupted by the beeping sound of the monitor.

Beep Beep Beep.

I moved my hands from my face, and started in disbelief as Niall’s heart rate started again, and his BP went back up.

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