I Don't Know Who I Want

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Niall P.O.V.

It was getting harder and harder to avoid him. I started to feel like he was stalking me, when I was at the shops with Harry, I saw him there, lurking behind the cereals in an attempted to hide himself from my vision. When I needed some space from Harry because of the guilt I was feeling I went to the park down the road. I saw him there, watching me, waiting for me. Waiting for me to choose. But who do I want? If I chose Liam I knew it would break Harry, it would break me, I’ve already been down that road and it almost cost me my life. How is it possible that I am even considering it now? On the other hand if I choose to stay with Harry I know I would be able to find the happiness that I have been looking for, for what feels like a lifetime. But I know that I will always want Liam. And in no way is that fair to Harry.

That’s the problem with first loves, no matter how much that person hurt you and no matter how badly the relationship ended, some small part of you will always love them, will always be yearning for them. And I shouldn’t be, I should hate him. I do hate Liam. But I can’t deny that I still want him. Fuck, why does this have to be so confusing? I was snapped out of my thoughts as I felt Harry stirring beside me, he rolled onto his side facing me, the sheets tucked tightly under his chin, a slow smile spread across his face as he saw I was already looking at him.

“Morning, babe,” he said, voice thick with sleep.

“Your sleeping seems to be getting better,” I stated.

“Yeah, slowly,” he replied, his smile fading as he pushed himself up and sat on the side of the bed. I know he hates talking about it. “What about you? Are you feeling okay today?”

“I got a decent three hours sleep last night, so I’m okay,” I replied, looking out the window away from Harry so he couldn’t read my face. I’m lying and he knows it. I didn’t sleep a wink last night. My mind to full of choices that I have to make. Eyes that turn from green to brown to green flashed behind my eyelids every time they drooped shut. It makes him feel better when I tell him the lie. Even though he knows it’s not the truth, I suppose it’s a kind of comfort for him, a feeling that he is helping me heal. So he just smiles and slips out of the bed.

“Do you have therapy today?” he shouted from the bathroom.

“Yeah, appointments at eleven,” I shouted back. “I was going to go there then pick up some food on the way home, what do you feel like?”

“I don’t know, you choose,” he said, walking back into the bedroom and changing into a pair of black jeans and a blue blazer.

I nodded and pushed the sheets off me, getting up and walking into the bathroom. I strip out of my boxers and turn the shower on, waiting for it to adjust to the right temperature before I step under and let the water rush over me. I turn the water off and wrap a towel around my waist. I walk into the bedroom to find Harry gone. Why did he leave without telling me? I got dressed and walked into the kitchen. A cup of tea was sitting on the counter and a note addressed to me sat beside it, something that Harry had taken to doing every morning before he left. I smiled to myself and unfolded the piece of paper;

Louis called and wants to hang out today; I’ve gone to meet him at his apartment. I hope therapy goes well today and you can start to make progress on what we talked about the other night. Not sure when I’ll be home, sorry about lunch, I’ll make it up to you tonight.
I love you,
H. x

Well I guess it’s just me hanging by myself today. I still haven’t put aside all the issues I have with Louis and Zayn yet, so I can understand why I wasn’t invited. I sighed and finished off my tea before walking out the door to my appointment. Therapy was still not something that I looked forward to. I didn’t want to share what happened, hell I didn’t even want to think about it. Can’t we just say it happened; it’s in the past and not dwell on it any longer? Just move on. I made it to my therapist room and rap my knuckles on the door three times.

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