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A/N: aww __^^^look how cute🥰💞

Third person POV

Harry and Draco Walked through the Portrait hole into a what looked like a small Copy of the slytherin common room. It had a big soft a white fluffy rug on the wood floor,two sofas chars both facing each other, A door on the right and a door on the left,with a roaring fire. It was small yet cozy. "This way" Draco said leading harry to the door on the right. It had two beds two dressers and all of Harry's stuff was there. On Harry's bed was his new Slytherin uniform. Harry just sat on the bed collecting his thoughts a little. "I'm gonna take a shower I'll be right back" Draco said grabbing his clothes and a towel. Harry just nodded his response. 'Might as well write in my journal' He thought pulling his journal out of his book bag that was on his trunk.

September 2, 1995

Oh my God. Today was officially the worst day ever. You wanna know why? Because of the sorting hat that's sort's the first years just admitted he was supposed to put me in Slytherin first year. I can't- I'm so pissed (Well not really because I get to share a room with my crush but that's not what I'm writing about) I'll keep you updated.

Until next time~Harry

Harry decided it was time for bed. He got dressed into his pajamas(A oversized hoodie and shorts) got under his covers and close his four poster. He closed his eyes and It started.

7 year old Harry sat in the lounge doing Dudley's homework. " BOY GET THE DOOR!" Uncle Vernon shouted from upstairs. 'That lazy excuse for a human' Harry thought as he slid off the sofa. He opened the door To find his 'Uncle' Ronnie. Harry hated this man with a passion. "Potter" The man said with a raspy voice pushing Harry aside. Petunia came trotting down the stairs. "RONNIE" She greeted the man with a hug.

Then the dream changed. Harry was naked on the floor sobbing. Because his drunk 'uncle' Had just rapped him.

Harry woke up in a cold sweat.

A/N: The next chapter might be a little disturbing. Caution will contain: Suicide attempts, Swearing and much more😔

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