2:00am outing

937 27 23

🚧CAUTION: Suicide attempt, Self harm, Swearing, Self-doubt, PTSD🚧

Harry got out of bed quietly making sure he did not wake Draco. Grab his invisibility cloak put his slippers on and made his way out of the room.

Harry arrived at moaning Myrtle's bathroom. She was asleep in her cubicle(I love her❤️❤️) Harry went to the sink and looked at himself with discussed. 'I'm such a failure' He thought to himself 'No one would even notice I was gone'. With that he opened a secret compartment under the sink pulled out a box and opened it. It held a long silver dagger. Harry picked it up rolled up his sleeves and made the first cuts...one...two...three. He begin to feel lightheaded as blood pooled by his feet. After a couple more cuts he felt to the floor.

A/N: Just a short feather chapter I promise the next one will be longer☺️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2020 ⏰

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